*Best Picture 2010 nominations list*
- Avatar <-- racist, imperialist
white liberal guilt fantasy (everyone, native peoples, mountains, animals, trees and tree-nerve-endings, get exploited by white people, awesome!!)
- The Blind Side <-- i haven't seen this, but true story notwithstanding the trailer just me cringe. It really, really seemed
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I am not pretending Whip It is a perfect film, I'm not saying that at all and I hope that hasn't come across. i think it's a wonderful film because it's so anti-gendered and so antithetical to all these, what I think of as white male narratives. And it's the narrative that makes it feel like a straight white man's story to me, not the directors/actors etc. It's, imo, stories that are played out in a traditionally masculine landscape - stories of war, stories of conquest, and violence - women can participate in these stories and act them out, but the narratives themselves are narratives of conquest, power, and finding meaning in an inherently (or necessarily) violent world. those are the kind of narratives that men have been telling from before the Iliad. It's not that women don't tell/participate in those stories too, but the other narratives that women tell, faith narratives and community narratives and peace narratives, get drowned out by these male narratives of violence/dominance/conquest, over and over again. Does that ( ... )
that idea somehow pisses me off lkfjglkdjfg, it's possibly a personal thing though, I just can't ever not be pissed off by the gender divide.
Yeah, i like... i don't think the gender divide *should* exist, I am just pointing out that for better or worse it does exist, and as long as the traditionally female narratives get bested by the traditionally male ones, there won't be a real path for them to complicate each other and merge so that those roles don't exist.
(up until i moved out here, i genuinely believed that we lived in a post-feminist, post-gendered society and that people were really over these type of gender assignments. i've since realized that we're *not,* and so the last year and a half or so has been huge for me in terms of even realizing just how gendered some of these tropes are. so that's also what i'm reacting to in a major way: the realization that not only is the gender divide still in place but it reveals itself in all these ways like film tropes and meta-narratives, etc etc. i just feel like i spent most of my life being... really blind.)
Also! just FYI:
a) I didn't have a problem with Rosa Sparks' depiction in the film, because I felt like every time she was onscreen, she was being amazing, and the constraints of the storyline meant that all the derbygirls got minimal screen time (I wish they'd cut out the love interest, sigh) so I didn't see her lack of screen time as something specific;
b) I did and do feel really... weird and perplexed about Birdman. His whole role in the film just seems marginalized and a little icky, like he's just there to be used as needed. He, himself, seems pretty awesome, but his context... no, just, no.
c) (sorry but BLISS/MAVEN!!!)
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