Title: The Lovers Fandom: Supernatural Author: Bookkbaby Rating: Teen Warnings: Slash, maybe a little handprint!kink... Summary: Destiel. Tarot cards are so rarely right, except when they totally are.
This was delightful! I laughed aloud a couple of times and the tension between Dean and Cas when they finally discussed it was so gorgeously palpable!! Brava! Excellent job, really!
omg, i was so excited to see your name on my flist because i recognise it from ff.net - your fic In Dreams is my favourite eragon/murtagh story ever! ♥ so glad to see you writing in dean/cas fandom now :D
anyway, this fic was wonderful, sweet and funny and very well written :) i'm friending you to keep track of your stories too if that's okay!
Comments 10
That was really adorable. And hot.
"Dean does not 'cuddle'," he said seriously. "This may look like cuddling, but it is not. Dean has sworn vengeance if I tell anyone otherwise."
Best couple of lines. It was adorable, funny, and I absolutely loved it.
anyway, this fic was wonderful, sweet and funny and very well written :) i'm friending you to keep track of your stories too if that's okay!
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