“Circling Dixie” by Helen Taylor

Apr 29, 2014 17:36

Reading a history book about America by a British Literature Professor is a strange experience. In the first chapter I felt like I was reading a review of stuff I already knew, until she smacked me in the face with the statistic that 75% of white Southerners at the opening of the Civil War were of Celtic descent (Irish, Welsh, Scots) not English ( Read more... )

subject: history, subject: art

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Comments 4

ms_eclectic April 29 2014, 13:19:30 UTC
Very interesting...might have to chase this one down and read it. Thank you for sharing.


little_e_ April 29 2014, 18:07:46 UTC
The Southern upper class (slave owners), from what I have read, was drawn from western England (the side that lost the English Civil War.) Maryland, for example, was founded as an English Catholic colony. I have often seen it alleged that the Civil War was in many ways a continuation of older British conflicts.


paulliver May 2 2014, 04:29:05 UTC
And the 75% from the Celtic areas could have been more in the lower and middle economic classes of white society... but regardless, it's interesting stuff.


little_e_ May 2 2014, 11:57:17 UTC
The Irish who settled in the South tended to be more what we now call Scots-Irish, Protestants. A different group from the Irish who came later and settled in the Boston Region.

My family hails from the region, so it's all there in the family tree. Funny, that.


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