
Feb 02, 2014 00:16

I was in a mood for Art.  So I pulled out some Fantasy Art books and started to read.

Read more... )

genre: non-fiction, author: k, subject: art, author: m, author: c, review

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Comments 4

ahqaf February 2 2014, 06:38:21 UTC
Believe me. Art is my life. i can do everything for the success of Art.


marycatelli February 2 2014, 18:24:09 UTC
I just like pictures. 0:)


hibiscusrose February 2 2014, 07:11:45 UTC
There's an old, out of print book called Frank Kelly Freas The Art of Science Fiction that you might also enjoy if you can find a copy. You'd recognize some of work, I'm sure. He talks about how he designed some of the paintings, what changes were made and why, and it's an interesting look back at science fiction back in the day.


marycatelli February 2 2014, 18:22:53 UTC
Ah, the famous freas.


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