You have probably noticed the absence of Saturday Book Discussion posts for the past couple of weeks. Or maybe you didn't. Oh well.
A combination of burnout and being busy with job and moving into a new house left me without the time or inclination to produce new SBDs. I may continue them in the future, but I think I am going to pull back from trying to do them every single week.
Anyway, for the time being, I have a new Saturday tradition to begin: the Saturday Book Giveaway.
I moved about 80 boxes of books into my new house with me. And while some of these books I am never going to part with, I have realized that I really, really do not need to hold onto every book I own. Especially the ones I am never going to reread. Books that might go to some other deserving home where they will be loved and cherished forever. Or at least read.
Gaze upon my paperback pile
This is a culled and partial pile. I'm sure some of you have more impressive collections. But I want to shrink this pile!
Now, I am aware of and BookMooch. And I already have more credits there than I can use.
I am also aware of various charities that accept book donations, as well as the library. But a lot of my books are, while perfectly readable, too worn for the library or for charitable donations.
So, starting today, I am going to give away sets of books that I think belong together, whereas if I just dumped them in a book bin, they'd be scattered to the winds and probably mulched.
Today's giveaway:
The Dragon Knight series, by Gordon R. Dickson
Consisting of:
- The Dragon and the George (1976)
- The Dragon Knight (1990)
- The Dragon on the Border (1992)
- The Dragon at War (1992)
- The Dragon, the Earl, and the Troll (1994)
The Dragon and the George is a fantasy classic. Borrowing a cliche older than A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, a man from the modern day is mystically transported back to a medieval England where magic and monsters are real. And he arrives there in the body of a dragon.
I read these many years ago. They are certainly not deep reads, but they're fun and light-hearted - think somewhere between Xanth and Diskworld. (Dickson is a better writer than Piers Anthony and not half as skeevy, while the setting is more historical and more seriously constructed than Diskworld, but it's not quite as clever). I enjoyed them until it became clear that the series was just another one that would be milked for cash as long as the author could milk it. (It's now up to nine books; I only have the first five.)
I am offering these books free to some deserving person. How do I decide if someone is deserving? Well, I'll just have to take your word for it. Merely post below if you want them. I will choose a random commenter by next Friday.
1. You have to solemnly swear you actually intend to read them. Don't ask for them if they're just going to sit in your basement forever.
2. I will probably choose completely randomly, but go ahead and entertain me with your request if you like - if you make me laugh out loud or swear that OMG YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO READ THESE VERY BOOKS MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF! then I will probably pick you. ;)
3. You have to be willing to PM me your address, obviously.
4. Yes, I will send them to you absolutely free (via media mail).
5. U.S. only, sorry. I have mailed books overseas before, and it's expensive. (But if you really, really want these books and they are just not available in your country, make your pitch and maybe I will be convinced.)
I will post a new set of books to be given away next Saturday. :)