Books Read in 2012

Dec 31, 2012 14:24

Crystal’s Books 2012

The List! )

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Comments 16

leigh710 December 31 2012, 23:48:32 UTC
Aw, I loved Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter and thought Room was okay. Not super great, but not a fail to me.

I love Jenny Lawson and am currently reading Divergent and love it so far.

And my name is Crystal, too, so I had to comment. :) ha,ha! Are you on Goodreads?


ceinwyn81 January 1 2013, 03:49:40 UTC
Yes I am :)

Abraham Vampire hunter was like an effed up history lesson for me. Except with vampires. I just really didn't like it :(

Room was alright till about halfway through and I just lost all interest. It was a struggle to continue reading.

Jenny Lawson is one of my favorite people and Divergent was great :D


crimes January 1 2013, 00:10:25 UTC
I liked room up until he was found. Then it got boring.


ceinwyn81 January 1 2013, 03:50:12 UTC
Thats about when I started to have trouble finding the will to continue


elettaria January 1 2013, 09:04:14 UTC
I've been wondering whether it was worth reading. I like Emma Donoghue's earlier work, but Slammerkin was definitely rather mixed, and Room did not sound that appealing.


alexvdl January 1 2013, 00:12:52 UTC
That's quite an impressive list. I have tons of questions, I hope you don't mind.

-What'd you think of the Mallorean vs. the Belgariad? Have you also read the Elenium and the Tamuli?

-Are you planning to pick up A Dance with Dragons?

- The Giver is one of those books that I reread once a year. I haven't reread any of the others in the series and I doubt I will. The ending of the Giver is delightfully ambiguous.

- I loved Future of Us, but I'm glad that I read it on my Kindle instead of carrying around the physical version. I get enough weird looks already. I'd recommend picking up Crash Test Love by Ted Michael. It's in a similar vein and probably one of the top ten books I read this year.

- What'd you think of the Night Circus? I thought it was some super interesting world building but that the storyline was... not as interesting. Of course, I liked the world building in Reamde by Neal Stephenson a lot too, but found the plot line to just get in the way of that.


ceinwyn81 January 1 2013, 03:54:33 UTC
I LOVED The Belgariad and the Mallorean. Belgariad a little more so though. I haven't read the other two you mentioned but I do intend to.

I am waiting for A Dance with Dragons to come out in Paperback. I have the other four in paperback and I am very picky about having them all match. I think I may be OCD about my books lol. As soon as it comes out I am on it. March can't get here faster!

I really didn't like The Future of Us. I felt that the author was trying to hard with the 90's references every chance he could take. He went a little overboard. Plus I didn't like the main characters.

I liked Night Circus alot. The world building was great and I liked how she created a good description of the surroundings. I was able to visualize everything so well.


alexvdl January 1 2013, 03:59:55 UTC
One of my favorite sequences in all Fantasy is Belgarion's reaction to Ce'nedra giving birth.

Ahhh, that makes sense. Yeah, it's crazy that they waited two years to print the paperback version.

As for Future of Us, I can see how you felt that. The premise was by far the strongest part of the book.


ceinwyn81 January 1 2013, 04:02:00 UTC
I was so let down on Future of Us. I thought the whole idea of the book was awesome! Just the execution of it was poorly done.

Oh yeah that was a great scene. lol Eddings is one of my favorite authors.


bas_saarebas January 1 2013, 01:22:27 UTC
Question: why did you consider Sweep a fail? (and feel free to link me to another post you made here or something, I might have missed it) I loved that series, but I also read it like four-five years ago, and my teen nostalgia may be making me forget the problematic elements.


ceinwyn81 January 1 2013, 03:57:02 UTC
I didn't post anything in bookfails about it. I should have but I was so preoccupied. I really should start doing that again. I started out ok with it, however it didn't really hook me. I was losing interest in it. Plus, it felt like the girls just wanted to go to circle because it seemed cool, not because they actually was into Wicca. That was in the beginning and it bothered me. As I read more it rubbed me the wrong way even more.


bas_saarebas January 1 2013, 04:43:55 UTC
Yeah, I do remember that. The more I think about it, the more bits I remember that I'm now like "wait...what?"

Maybe I'll read the books again and post about them myself XD


symkha January 1 2013, 03:56:40 UTC
I saw the title of your entry but missed the "failed" part at first. I saw "OBVIOUSLY the Fifty Shades" and thought OH NO. Then I saw that was under your book fails list -- hahahahaah, lots of laughs.

Impressive list, though.


ceinwyn81 January 1 2013, 04:00:14 UTC
Thank you :) It was a little overwhelming trying to reach the goal of 75. I am setting it a little lower for 2013 so I can breathe a little easier and so I can focus more on schoolwork. I read the first Fifty Shades book out of a sadistic and morbid curiosity. The second one, I read just to see if MAYBE E.L James improved at all. I was wrong. She got worse. I am not even bothering with the third one lol


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