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Comments 8

insanepurin May 29 2011, 21:45:07 UTC
Auuugh. It's irritating when a series gets dragged out, especially when it progressively gets worse and worse.

The nail in the coffin for me has to be Ruby's mother. She sounds like a fucking asshole, and I don't think I can stand reading about someone like her based off what she does in this book. :/ Berating your husband for grieving, starving your daughter with complete disrespect to her diet, and potentially destroying her college life and/or nipping it at the bud before it starts? Not cool. Not cool at all. MOTHER OF THE YEAR EVERYONE.


shecaneathesea May 30 2011, 00:06:21 UTC
it really is, isn't it? :( it's funny you should say that though, because the first two books in the were written around 2005-2006 and then the other two were written recently, about three years apart from when the first two had been written. some things are better left alone ( ... )


tabular_rasa May 29 2011, 23:03:58 UTC
This book is about boyfriends? It sounds like it's about emotional abuse by a mother to her daughter O.o


shecaneathesea May 29 2011, 23:49:51 UTC
yeah, it is. it mainly revolves around the before and after of ruby's relationship with noel, but there are a few moments with her mother--which, i'm sort of on the fence about because while they are some of the few and only moments that the main character really and truly speaks up for herself, i'm glad she does because her mother was being just downright childish and cruel to her and her father. i brought up her mother because she was someone that i thought overshadowed alot of the other things in the book, like the boyfriends. her mother leaves on a trip later on around the end of the book, so there wasn't much of her antics after awhile, which i was grateful for :)


bigendermedian May 30 2011, 03:32:56 UTC
I didn't read the books or even your full post really, but I just HAD to say "(*yes, boyfriends, plural. if my life weren't complicated--I wouldn't be Ruby Oliver.)" is literally the stupidest subtitle I've ever seen for any book ever.


shecaneathesea May 31 2011, 03:59:57 UTC
haha, weeeell the titles for all of the books have those subtitles* that get shortened to around three or four words since they are so long. like the boy book is actually titled The Boy Book: A Study of Habits and Behaviors, Plus Techniques for Taming Them.


in_excelsis_dea May 30 2011, 12:09:31 UTC
I read the first two books in this series. Didn't know there were more out, might have to look them up. That said, I never got why Kim was so pissed at Ruby. IIRC, Kim and Jackson? were broken up when he and Ruby started going out (the second time!), and didn't Kim break/twist the rules in the first place to be able to date Ruby's ex? I'm not saying that Ruby and Jackson were right, going behind Kim's back, but she was definitely not innocent, and it irked me that Ruby and everyone else thought how perfect Kim was.

But holy -- Ruby's mother. I get that it's easy to make parents the villains in YA novels, but this really takes the cake, especially since she wasn't that bad before. Maybe I shouldn't bother finishing the series...


shecaneathesea May 31 2011, 04:29:38 UTC
it'd be up to you really, since i can't say whether or not to read the last two books since i'm a bit biased when it comes to the four books. but i will say not to buy them if you do, since the last two are hardcovers and cost an arm and a leg :l bleh, hardcovers ( ... )


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