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Comments 22

snotty November 26 2010, 01:42:42 UTC
Nevermind, you fuckin' beat me XD


psychedeliceyes November 26 2010, 01:44:24 UTC
Gotta spread the anger to my favorite comm. ;)


snotty November 26 2010, 01:48:29 UTC
Don't stop with YA totally. You know there are some GREAT YA books damnit!


psychedeliceyes November 26 2010, 01:51:23 UTC
There are definitely some wonderful gems out there. Sometimes I just get frustrated.


fabricalchemist November 26 2010, 01:57:18 UTC
Live ammunition?? TF?


psychedeliceyes November 26 2010, 02:13:58 UTC
That's what I was thinking.


87_degrees November 26 2010, 08:37:42 UTC
The only gun I've seen at reenactment fired tea bags. The guy would show his musket, show how to load it and then fire a tea bag at a member of the audience.


psychedeliceyes November 26 2010, 14:17:16 UTC
That actually sounds pretty awesome.


vox_mortem November 26 2010, 02:11:28 UTC
I liked this book when I first read it purely because of the setting. Unfortunate Implications aside, Garcia and Stohl really brought Gatlin to life. But yes, the characters and plot leave much to be desired.

I actually finished the second book yesterday, and while it was better in some aspects, it was certainly disappointing because it. was. so. freaking. slow. But at least Lena was absent for most of the book.


psychedeliceyes November 26 2010, 02:15:16 UTC
I've never been to Gatlin so I guess I can't appreciate the setting as much.


vox_mortem November 26 2010, 04:38:00 UTC
Neither have I. I'm pretty sure it's not even a real town. Might be a Stephen King shout out, even.


psychedeliceyes November 26 2010, 05:29:32 UTC
Ah, then that would be why I've never heard of it. I didn't want my lack of traveling experience too obvious. ;)


timeless_story November 26 2010, 03:28:31 UTC
In answer to your question (having lived for several years in a VERY small town in Louisiana)...yes, there are still people in the deep South who are bitter about the Yankees winning the war. There is active prejudice against people who move there from "the North" (depending on where you are, basically everything north of Arkansas). It's really, really stupid, but unfortunately true.

While I lived there, there was a very big thing going on because a huge natural gas deposit was discovered under Northwest Louisiana, and so obviously a lot of gas companies were building rigs and bringing people in to work on them. There was an article in the newspaper, as I remember, that basically said the Yankees were trying to take over and run everything and that they needed to go home. I wish I had cut it out and saved it, it was so ridiculous.


psychedeliceyes November 26 2010, 05:30:46 UTC
Thanks for the feedback. I didn't want to say that no, there were absolutely no towns like this but it still threw me for a loop. People out there never cease to amaze me.


timeless_story November 26 2010, 20:41:12 UTC
Haha I can totally understand why you would think that was unrealistic though. It does sound totally ridiculous to sane people who don't actually live near that area. :P


cyranothe2nd November 26 2010, 04:32:56 UTC
So, another book about main characters having no volition, then? WTF is this shit about being dark/light because you're Claimed? As opposed to, I don't know...being GOOD or EVIL. WTeverlovingF?!?!


psychedeliceyes November 26 2010, 05:33:23 UTC
Don't you know though? Good and evil is such a boring way of saying it. And obviously there are no moral ambiguities in the supernatural world.


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