(no subject)

May 14, 2010 11:30

So actually I think The Hidden City is my favorite Michelle West book so far! Maybe it's just that I've gotten used to her style, or maybe it was just kind of a relief to have just one plotline and set of characters to keep track of . . . or maybe it was just that I am primed to find stories about cold brooding amoral gentlemen who abruptly find themselves in charge of the education of a gaggle of small children hilarious. (varadia, I am looking at you!)

So the plotline of the book basically goes like this:

RATH: I used to be noble, but I have BACKSTORY ANGST that mean I have repudiated my family and have spent twenty years in the slums as a RUTHLESS AMORAL CRIMINAL!
BECCA: So what do you do that's so ruthless and amoral, Rath?
RATH: I SELL . . . . illegitimate antiques.
BECCA: Oh, bless.
RATH: SOMETIMES I HAVE TO KILL PEOPLE WHEN I'M SELLING THOSE ANTIQUES OKAY. Anyway, this small child just stole my wallet! I WILL HUNT HER DOWN . . . and take her home and feed her.
JEWEL: Uh, I don't trust you, strange man, but, um, thanks for the food! I'll go back to living under the bridge now.
RATH: Oh my god you have a fever of a hundred and street urchin, YOUNG LADY YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE . . . I mean, am kicking you out just as soon as you're not sick anymore. Whatever.
JEWEL: . . . okay?
BECCA: Oh, bless.

JEWEL: So, uh, Rath, I picked up these other street urchins and they need food and I kind of saved this one's life and, uh, can I keep them? :D I've got extra space in my room?
RATH: . . .
JEWEL: I mean, I'll get it if you're mad, I can just leave . . .
RATH: OH MY GOD, fine. As long as they stay in your room and don't bother me.
JEWEL: Okay, and now I'm going to go rescue some more kids from a demon-controlled brothel!
RATH: Jewel. You are ten. You cannot single-handedly rescue kids from a demon-controlled brothel.
JEWEL: Yes but I have to try!
RATH: OH MY GOD, okay, FINE, I will help you rescue the kids from a brothel. Because otherwise YOU WILL DIE.
JEWEL: Thanks Rath! :D
RATH: . . . and now they're all coming to live with us, aren't they.
JEWEL: Um, now there are ten of us and my room is getting kind of crowded, so can I also use the room next door?

DUSTER: I am seriously damaged! Demons want to recruit me to be their pet killer! Also, I am a twelve-year-old-girl.
JEWEL: Hi Duster, let's be friends! :D
DUSTER: Thanks for rescuing me, but also, I hate you for having an easier life than me, and kind of want revenge on the whole world.
JEWEL: You can be a killer, Duster. That's okay! But you're going to be my killer. I WILL BE THE SHEATH TO YOUR KNIFE. subtext what subtext
BECCA: So the most important relationship of the second half of the book is between an idealistic charismatic girl and a cold scary amoral girl?
RATH: Did I mention my backstory angst is basically just about how my sister was so hardcore and awesome and I will never forgive her . . . because she was so awesome and then she left the family and none of us will ever be as awesome as her! ;_; SISTER.
BECCA: Michelle West, I love you and your awesome ladies for all time.

(I should probably mention in reccing this book that a.) it is A BRICK and b.) that there is stuff at the end that is likely to be seriously triggery, and that would have bothered me a lot more if the focus was not so very much on the relationship between Jewel and Duster, and on the girls' agency.)

booklogging, michelle west

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