
Oct 02, 2006 21:50

bookishtype has made me another banner. This time for my story Them That Choose it. Check it out, isn't it beautiful and isn't she talented?

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banner, friends, fics

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Comments 5

jayneswoman October 2 2006, 12:24:05 UTC
Very nice, bookishtype!

Can I ask you, how do you find people to make your banners? I'd love someone to makes banners for some of my stories....


bookishtype October 2 2006, 23:26:39 UTC
thank you jayneswoman...

it is fortunate for bookaddict43 that she is my boss and all she has to do is ask me her minion to do these things.... just kidding... i love making banners...

i would be very happy to make some for your stories if you like... just let me know what ones and the what you would like.


jayneswoman October 2 2006, 23:55:18 UTC
Thanks, bookishtype!

My email address is on my userinfo page, so drop me an email and I'll let you know which ones...

BTW I friended you!


bookaddict43 October 3 2006, 11:39:17 UTC
Minion? What minion? *looks around wildly* Methinks you hallucinate!! But thanks again for the banner anyway!


glimmerite October 3 2006, 04:57:28 UTC
It is so very pretty.


*goes off to spam bookishtype's journal to say as much*


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