Still learning

Jan 16, 2012 22:34

Thanks to all my lovely flisters(the bloody auto correct keeps changing it to flusters) for their help with Photoshop. I'm plugging away and hopefully will soon be able to make some decent icons. But now my quest to actually know a bit about the new programs on the work Macs continues and I am now toying with Adobe Premiere CS5.5 ( Read more... )

macs, adobe premiere, vidding

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Comments 3

colls January 16 2012, 15:20:26 UTC

I don't use Adobe, so I'm not much help there. :(


bookaddict43 January 17 2012, 11:00:34 UTC
Hee! You're a Final Cut user aren't you? Do you have Express or Pro? We're supposed to be downloading that to the main computer as well, but I won't be able to use it at home *pouts*.

Nobody answered my enquiry :(

I think I'll download DIVX anyway and see if it helps. I would love to at least try to render my idea into vid form!


xfirefly9x January 22 2012, 13:49:58 UTC
Happy Birthday! :)


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