Photoshop attempts

Jan 08, 2012 17:10

I miss making graphics so much so I'm stumbling through Photoshop slowly and am keeping a record for myself mostly. These are my first attempts. But if you like any of them - snag away!! ( Read more... )

icons, photoshop, graphics, hawaii five-0

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Comments 6

razycrandomgirl January 8 2012, 07:58:54 UTC
you bought PS? O_O


bookaddict43 January 8 2012, 08:22:16 UTC
It's on the work computer which I'm currently using. So since my computer and Paintshop are dead, I thought why not use it?

How are you my dear??


razycrandomgirl January 8 2012, 08:25:14 UTC
Why not? indeed. :) Oh no, what happened to your computer?

I'm well. Merry Christmas/Happy new year to you and the (not so) Little Man!


bookaddict43 January 8 2012, 08:41:20 UTC
My computer had the blue screen of death and the hard drive was corrupted :(

Merry Christmas etc to you as well! *huggles* The not so little man is taller than I am and even has peach fuzz on his face! He's not even 14 yet!!


kathyh January 8 2012, 10:58:54 UTC
I like the posterised effect. I'm very bad at using filters in PS as I tend to stick to the same ones all the time!

I think preview disappeared for some styles.


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