Asking for flist help again!

Jan 02, 2012 08:37

Using a Mac is like learning a new language! But I tell you, when I have money, I'll be buying one for myself. I'm totally converted.

But to my question -

How on earth do I save pics from pic spams etc? I figure making icons is a great way to learn Photoshop, but I need pics to do that with.

Probably it's something really simple :D

macs, photoshop, help, flist, computer

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Comments 6

Mac Lover Here tkeylasunset January 1 2012, 23:36:24 UTC

I'm guessing that you are accustom to "right clicking" to save a picture. On the MacBook, you should be able to tap the track pad with two fingers and "save as" will be one of your options.

Does that answer your question? If not, I'll be glad to try again.


Re: Mac Lover Here bookaddict43 January 1 2012, 23:47:07 UTC
Yay thank you! *beams* I'm learning slowly and totally love how great these computers are.


Re: Mac Lover Here tkeylasunset January 1 2012, 23:49:42 UTC
Macs are the BEST!!! I love mine more than anyone should love their computer.

Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help!! :-)


ladytalon1 January 2 2012, 02:20:57 UTC
If you minimize the window slightly, all you have to do is click + drag to your desktop and it'll save the pic you want.


bookaddict43 January 2 2012, 02:51:05 UTC
Thanks bb! I'm having fun rinding my way around :)

I don't think you got my comment to your Christmas/Birthday post - so Happy both days my dear *hugs madly* Give the two males in the house a hug from me too *huggles*


ladytalon1 January 4 2012, 03:03:59 UTC
I will.

Fran, I miss youuuuuuuuu!



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