Some pets just choose you

May 08, 2008 23:57

Title: Some pets just choose you
Author: Bookaddict
Characters: Jayne, Crew, OFC
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Firefly and Serenity are the property of Joss Whedon
Comments: written for 10_cracks Table C: Firefly crew crack. Prompt #2 Jayne gets a pet. Hope it’s cracky enough…

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jayne, 10_cracks, crew

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Comments 14

ladytalon1 May 8 2008, 14:12:00 UTC

Pekingese are ♥! And they certainly love to sneeze on unsuspecting people :D :D :D :D :D I cracked up when she just hopped through the door, lol.


bookaddict43 May 9 2008, 13:21:05 UTC
Well the sneezing was your idea remember - and it was just so fitting :D I'm so glad you liked it *twirls*...


tarrina May 8 2008, 15:15:50 UTC
LMAO! wow just wow. that's priceless!


bookaddict43 May 9 2008, 13:21:32 UTC
Thank you so much :D


mercsgoodgirl May 8 2008, 16:48:14 UTC
Wonderfully seriously CUTE!


bookaddict43 May 9 2008, 13:22:26 UTC
I had such fun writing it!


noctuabunda May 8 2008, 17:12:07 UTC
Whaaa, I love it!
Perfect first line; and this little exchange made me squee and giggle:

“She’s a real fine dog Mal. Tough and all.”

“Tough? The dog has a bow in its hair.”

“So it can see to attack,” Jayne explained earnestly.

I really miss my dog sometimes. Meh.


bookaddict43 May 9 2008, 13:23:47 UTC
awwwwww - sorry I made you miss your dog *hugs* You liked my first line? *bounces*


xx_squish_xx May 8 2008, 18:06:27 UTC
Haha, that was funny! (see, you can too do crack)

Loved that he put a bow in her hair and had a ready excuse for why. :)


bookaddict43 May 9 2008, 13:24:48 UTC
I'm so amazed it worked :)

A man has to have an excuse for everything and I know Jayne would be prepared...


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