CONTEST!!!! Zombies, Mockingjays, and Free Books! OH MY!

Sep 25, 2010 13:42

Hello my fellow book lovers! Long time no see!  Sorry I have been slightly MIA as of late, I started a new job and my RL has been crazy! But I'm back now (hopefully) and what better way to return than with some goodies!!  It's been a while since we had a contest, so here is your next opportunity to win free books and other swag!

Get excited, cause it's a good one! :)

Want to know what the prizes are? GOOD! Let me tell you!

Zombies, Mockingjays, and Free Books! OH MY!


1. The Forest of Hands and Teeth Prize Pack: One lucky winner will recieve a paperback copy of Carrie Ryan's The Forest of Hands and Teeth,  a SIGNED bookplate to go inside the book, a SIGNED bookmark, and an Eat, Prey, Love sticker.

2. The Dead-Tossed Waves Prize Pack: One lucky winner will recieve a hardcover copy of Carrie Ryan's The Dead Tossed Waves, a SIGNED bookplate to go inside the book, a SIGNED bookmark, and an Eat, Prey, Love sticker!

3. The Mockingjay Prize Pack: One lucky winner will recieve a hardcover copy of Suzanne Collins' Mockingjay, a "Down with the Capitol" keychain, and a Mockingjay bookmark!

4. SIGNED bookplates and bookmarks: Five winners will recieve a bookmark signed by Carrie Ryan, and three winners will recieve bookplates also signed by Carrie Ryan!!

Excited yet? Good! You should be! Now, here's how to enter for these faulous prizes:

Ways to enter to win the Prizes Packs:

1. By joining the community if you are not a member already! That counts for one entry! Also, you can get an entry for ever friend you bring to the community! Be sure to tell them to list you as a referral!
EDIT: Friend referral entires will be capped at ten. Sorry for any confusion! Just trying to keep the game fair!
2. By pimping this community on your LiveJournal! Post a description of the community and/or the contest and  a link to the community and invite all of your friends to join as well! You will get one entry for your post.
3. By posting a book recommendation! We all love books, so use this opportunity to share one of your favorites! Each new recommendation post is worth one entry! However, you MUST use the book recommendation format that is outlined on our profile and the recommendation must be new, created for the purpose of this contest. Entries that are copied from other book recs sites, such as goodreads, will not be counted.
4. By posting a link to this contest on your blog, or Facebook/Twitter accounts. This counts as one entry.

***Please note that you must comment back to THIS post with your entires/links to any postings you have made. Remember, I MUST be able to see the posts in order for them to count. If your FB, Twitter, of LJ is private and we are not friends, I will accept screenshots of your entries! :) ***

Winners will be picked by a random number generator. The more entries you have, the more opportunities you have to win! :)

How to enter to win the bookmarks and book plates:

Tell me 3 sentences about something, anything.  It can be odd, beautiful, enlightening, or horrific (keep it PG 13).  Don't apologize saying you're not sure your thing is interesting! I am easily amused, so no worries! :)

You may enter up to three times--in 3 different posts, please!  Winners will be chosen by your friendly Mods!

EDIT/CLARIFICATION: You may enter three times TOTAL. Not daily or weekly, but three times throughout the entire contest. Hope that clarifies things! :)

DEADLINE: This contest will run until Midnight (EST) on October 15th, 2010

That's it! Have fun and enter today! :)

contests, mod post

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