Full Firefly Panel

Jul 15, 2012 23:53

I'm still on a Firefly high, even though I wasn't at SDCC this weekend. I had friends on Twitter who went, and they were filling me in with what was going on, which was just as amazing. I think I was more excited about Firefly than I was about any of the other shows/people I like who were there. I want to go back and watch the DVDs again, and I ( Read more... )

journal, joss whedon, twitter, firefly

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Comments 3

inkvoices July 16 2012, 16:24:34 UTC
Vast amounts of Firefly and Whedon feels :'D

'Only an idiot would follow that with a sentence', but he's our idiot *grins*. So much love for the Firefly fandom and community <3


book_junkie007 July 16 2012, 18:17:14 UTC
I adore Joss Whedon, so much. People started queueing at 10 pm Thursday night in order to get into the Firefly panel for sure. At around 3 am, Joss went through the people camping out, giving out hugs and taking pics with people. The man who directed and wrote the third best selling movie of all time took the time to hang out with people who supported a show that was canceled a decade ago. So much respect for him.

I would love to go to a Can't Stop the Serenity event. I have so much love for this fandom and community as well. <3


inkvoices July 17 2012, 12:38:02 UTC
Yeah, I saw stuff on twitter about Joss and Adam Baldwin as well going out and chatting to the crowds. The man who directed and wrote the third best selling movie of all time took the time to hang out with people who supported a show that was canceled a decade ago. EXACTLY :D People who moan about their fan base or lack thereof should seriously take note.

I'd never been to one before. It was great seeing Dr Horrible and Serenity on the big screen and it was such a fun and friendly event. Definitely recommend catching one if and when you can :D I'd love to go to a con someday when I have the money, although I bet i'd be torn to pieces with indecision over all the wonderful things to see, heh.


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