Mistaken Identity

Oct 02, 2011 17:11

Title: Mistaken Identity
Author: Book_Junkie007
Pairing: None, really
Rating: PG 13
Wordcount: 507 words
Warnings: Set post Miracle Day and two years after season 3 of Being Human (major spoilers for the end of season 3 of Being Human). (2011)
Notes: Thanks to my Twitter peep, JMHaughey, for looking over the grammar for me. Also, if someone could ( Read more... )

content: fic, doctor who, crack!fic, character: jack, being human, torchwood, genre: gen, rating: pg 13, character: gwen, character: george

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Comments 2

bubblebear79 October 3 2011, 02:13:24 UTC

I loved this! How funny!


book_junkie007 October 11 2011, 04:00:13 UTC
Finally figured out how screened comments work, or else I would have replied earlier. *facepalm*

Haha, thanks! I can totally see Jack switching gears if it wasn't who he thought it was. :D

Any ideas on where else to post this? It's just kind of here, because I don't know where else it would fit. Crossovers are strange, strange things.


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