Fic: World serves its own needs, dummy serve your own needs - Avengers - PG 13 (5/12)

Aug 15, 2012 10:38

Author: Book_Junkie007
Pairing: Clint, Natasha, Coulson
Rating: PG 13
Wordcount: ~200 words
Warnings: Minor swearing and violence
Notes: Written for be_compromised's Promptathon for a series of prompts. Each espionage definition is referred to in some way in the drabble.

Thanks goes to some1tookmename on Twitter for doing a grammar and flow check and Laffers18 on Twitter for making sure they're in character.

Master list

Summary: WALK IN: A defector who declares his/her intentions by walking into an official installation and asking for political asylum or volunteering to work in place.

Natalia Alianovna Romanova walks through the halls of SHIELD; Clint Barton, who had been the one following her for the past year, beside her. She still isn’t quite sure why she’s with him, why she hadn’t slit his throat before walking away; she’d let him talk as he’s just as skilled as she is. Her contacts had given her information on Hawkeye, which had maybe influenced her perception of him. He’s nothing like she’d expected. She thought he would be more professional, not a smart ass like he obviously thought he was. Still, he’d given her a choice, which she’s thankful for.

She doesn’t bother knocking when she reaches Director Fury’s door. Instead, she strides right in. Fury, to his credit, doesn’t raise an eyebrow at her presence, merely finishes his phone call, leaving her standing there to wait. She isn’t used to waiting when she comes into a room. It’s a different feeling, and maybe a welcome one. She may be treated the same as the other agents, provided that Fury offers her a job.

Fury sets down the phone. “How may I help you?”

Natalia Alianovna Romanova begins, “My name’s Natalia Alianovna Romanova, I would like a job...”

On AO3

genre: gen, content: fic, rating: pg 13, character: natasha, avengers

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