Fic: Putting It Back Together Again - Torchwood - PG 13 (7/7)

Aug 20, 2012 15:11

Author: Book_Junkie007
Pairing: Ianto/Gwen, Tosh/OMC, team
Rating: PG 13
Wordcount: 884 words
Warnings: Set between End of Days and Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.
It took a village to write this fic, so thanks goes out to:
- karaokegal and veritas6.5 for being absolutely fabulous betas
- @kaddison_ on Twitter for sharing her experiences in Nepal and making sure I had Kathmandu accurate
- @CCTerry_ for listening to my rants and giving me feedback on scenes I wasn't sure about
- @AsphyxiaPallida for cheering me on
- @Miss_T2011 for reading things over, giving me feed back, and cheering me on
- My boyfriend for helping me figure out machinery, which I'm useless at
- Everyone on Twitter, LJ, and in real life who have put up with me babbling about this fic for the last six months. I love you all. <3

Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood as I am Canadian. I kind of live in the wrong country. :P

Summary: Sequel to It All Falls Apart

Set during the four months between End of Days and Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. The team is still coming to terms with Jack's abandonment, while Gwen, the new head of Torchwood, is also dealing with the fact that Rhys is truly gone. The Prime Minister's phone call to the remaining members of the team takes them, along with Benjamin Stratford, a new recruit, to the mysterious Himalaya to see if the Yeti is real, and if it needs their help getting home.

Master List

The morning after the Yeti had been sent back to its planet Gwen arose eagerly. Things had gone quickly, smoothly, and no one had been hurt or killed. They could hike back down Kanchenjunga and go home, finally. Today they were hiking across the Mirgin La trail to connect them to the Kanchenjunga south trail so they could fly back to Kathmandu from Suketar. She couldn’t wait.

Camp was packed up and the seven hour descent to Khambachen from Pang Pema felt almost easy to Gwen after two weeks of going up mountainsides. She had a good chat with Ianto along the way.

“So, what all needs to be done when we get back?” she asked, partway down the side of a mountain.

“Paperwork needs to be caught up on, cleaning of the Hub should probably occur, and we should catch up with UNIT. We also need to have Janet moved back to the Hub. I don’t think UNIT will like to keep her for longer than necessary,” Ianto chuckled.

“Sounds good,” Gwen agreed. “Anything else?”

“There’s that new restaurant that opened in city centre while we were away as well. Would you like to go?”

“Yes,” Gwen smiled. “What time would you like a reservation for?”



She was looking forward to having a quiet night or two alone with Ianto after being been with the team all day, every day, for the past three weeks. She loved her team, but felt that lately, there had been a bit too much togetherness.

The next day was a four-and-a-half descent to Ghunsa, where they would connect with the Mirgin La trail. During dinner that night, it was decided that they would take the full three days to hike the pass, to ensure that they would be able to cross safely.

Gwen felt that the hike across the pass was all right, except for whenever they had to climb over a pass. Every time Gwen went over a pass, she would reach back for Ianto, helping him up and making sure he was safe before she could continue.

On day thirty-four of their trek, they finally reached Suketar, where they camped for the night before flying back to Kathmandu from the domestic airport. Gwen was happy to not have to attempt to survive another harrowing bus ride on those mountainous roads. The ride on the way to the starting point for Kanchenjunga north had been enough to deter her from wanting to ride another bus for a long while.

The flight back to Kathmandu was uneventful and the team found taxis that would take them back to the International Guest House, where she had booked rooms for a few days before their flight back to Cardiff.

Gwen led the way as they trooped into the mens’ room, where a cot was already set up. They dropped their bags on the floor wearily.

“Right,” Gwen said. “What would you like to do now?”

“Not more walking,” Owen said with a groan. “I don’t want to take another step today.”

“I agree with Owen,” Toshiko piped up. “I want to rest tonight.”

“So food and drink here at the hotel sound good for the night?” Ianto suggested.

“Yes, perfect,” Benjamin agreed.

“All right,” Gwen said, struggling to get up from where she lay on one of the beds. “Tosh and I will go to our room, and we’ll meet you downstairs in an hour, okay?”

“Grand,” Owen said, partially asleep already.

“We’ll see you later,” Toshiko said.


Gwen greatly enjoyed the four days in Kathmandu before their flight back to Cardiff. It was nice to take a break for a bit before getting back to life in Cardiff with the madness that was no doubt waiting for them there.

The flight back to Cardiff followed the same route as when they had flown to Kathmandu. When they finally reached Cardiff, it was afternoon, and there wasn’t much to be done that couldn’t wait until the next day. Gwen gave the team the rest of the day off, and watched as Toshiko and Benjamin went off together, and Owen in his own car.

“Ready to go home?” Ianto asked, from beside her.

Gwen grinned at him. “Yes.”

“Come on then,” and he held his hand out to her, which she took, anticipating a good night’s sleep and the ability to do proper laundry. It was good to be home.


Gwen leaned back in her chair and sighed. Two weeks had passed since their adventure in the Himalaya, and it was back to normal for Torchwood. Or whatever passed for normal in their line of work.

Her mobile phone rang and Gwen picked it up.

“Hello?” she said. “Hi, Andy. Yes, yes, it was fine. There’s been reports of what? That definitely is one of ours. Don’t worry about it, we’ll take care of it. Thanks for letting me know. Yes, I will be careful. Bye,” Gwen set the phone down.

She walked out of her office to the catwalk overlooking the rest of the Hub.

“All right,” she called. “I just received a call from Andy. Apparently there’s a blowfish driving a sports car that we ought to check out. Let’s go, people!”

It was going to be just another day at Torchwood.

genre: het, content: fic, character: tosh, torchwood, character: owen, character: ianto, big bang case story, rating: pg 13, character: gwen

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