Loving the pix!!! (except for the ones that I'm in) I miss you sooo much!!! It was soo awesome having you back here like the good ol' days!!! I miss all the times we almost died and the crazii nights...oh and you almost killing yourself with your own freakin weapon!!! I miss all the times you hurt me (the paperback book, kicking my knee cap out, etc..) HAHAHA...remember the Jimpanzess?!?!?!?!? And when we hadda make Monkey Jump for math for Mrs. Tesik. Who could forget the time we went walking around in our bathg suits and ended lost...I mean...our town is like tiny!!! haha...so this comment is for you cause I love ya to death!!!! Muah* <333
holy fucking shit i love you kid!! MS. TESIK!!! omg i almost forgot all about her. oh man good times...monkey jump...good shit!! awesome...i love it...just love it
who are those sexxy peoples?! lol its Kerri by tha way! miss u tons katrin`uh! hope FL's treatin u reeeeeeeeeal good lol no pix of me.. i see how it is! lol jk love ya! MWAH! <3 Kerri
KERRI! lol i saw you like once when i was in ny, so i never got to take any pictures of you :(. florida weather is kicking my butt! so many hurricanes/tropical storms! lol...well, i miss you! ill ttyl
thats not alot I WANT MORE post more pics bizznatch!!!! come back to ny, florida sucks... ok ny sucks more but still.... <3 x 982365923856248548978156845679 KATRINALOVESCOMMENTSandlesbiansexANDCOMMENTS!
GAHH COMMENT!! I LOVE COMMENTS!!! but yes, i have many more pictures but many are absolutly terrible, therefore i will not post them. and um hello, you need to come to florida, because there are so many cool places here. the only thing missing is my awesome to the max friends!
there is nothing wrong with being a crizzack whore!! and i do have a car...no license tho. december? it sounds grand but i THINK emily is going to be at my house during winter break (still unsure), therefore you must come to tampa, where the three of us can chizzle. that would be grand. bring your bilf too.
Comments 23
Muah* <333
<3 Kerri
<3 x 982365923856248548978156845679
ps. meh!
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