My Saturday was great! Brian and I went to Hoshi's for lunch (YAY Sushi!!) and then to the relocated Trader Joes. Woohoo!! The store is in a much bigger place now and directly in view of that new Whole Foods store which opened back in March. We bought dinner and some other random things (like Trader Joe's Cilantro & Jalapeño Hummus OMG!!!!!!!!)
Anyway, when we got back to his place, I was very thankful to not have missed out on the opportunity to chat on
ustream with
KittasaurusRex, and
It started out as an innocent stream of
WasabiFlux swapping computer parts and the rest of us pining over his hair. No, really
LOOK AT HIS HAIR! ::Ahem:: Moving along... so, then it devolved into reading aloud some of James Joyce's naughty letters. In order to get
WasabiFlux to read one aloud,
KittasaurusRex agreed to read aloud two of them and
muertaXangela said she'd read some of her original work.
WasabiFlux read,
KittasaurusRex set up a stream and we all migrated over there. I really love her glasses. Très sexy.
muertaXangela was setting up her stream and after
KittasaurusRex was done reading the two letters, which were carefully selected by
WasabiFlux, we all migrated there. And as I already knew,
muertaXangela really *is* adorable. She even has a super cute laugh!! I made her blush quite a few times, and I got a screenshot of the best time of them all (I might share it, if I get permission to do so, otherwise y'all will just have to use your imagination to see
this chick blushing).
So, did I mention she's adorable? No, really, she is. And smart, and sexy, and funny, and I could go on but, I think she has already turned a lovely crimson red as she reads this. I love her accent. She's a UK girl, so mmmm English accent. ::swoon:: She read an exerpt from one of her writings in progress. She could read to me anytime she wants! Rawr. And so the night continued on and we all chatted and chatted and chatted. 12 HOURS into chatting (
WasabiFlux had fired up ustream at 3:15pm), I had to go to bed. It was 3:15am, after all. Granted, if I was not at Brian's, I likely would have been up even later. I was having so much fun and I didn't want the experience to end.
So, I say to Jeph Jacques (even though he might never see this post, and if he does, that would be super sweeeeeet!!) thank you so much for bringing us together through your love of streaming as you draw
Questionable Content. If not for that, I might have never met
KittasaurusRex, or