Akanishi Jin from JJ, June 2006

Feb 14, 2008 23:56

AKANISHI JIN in JJ Magazine 2006.06~

The appeal of Akanishi Jin, who says his friends are more important than anything, is his very frankness. He is true to himself and others without any fronts. He doesn't change his attitude for anyone. Although it seems as if you're both on the same page, you realize upon returning to reality that that isn't true. He is simultaneously close and far away, but it's impossible to resist that charm!

Filming "anego" opened my eyes to acting in my natural state

Speaking of a turning point that I've experienced recently, that would definitely be last year's drama, "anego." I was the type who focused and memorized all of the lines on the set during rehearsal in a short time. Once, there was a scene where Shinohara-san and I were in front of the fountain with a rapid-fire dialogue that lasted at least a minute or two. Miraculously, we got it in one try, without any cuts at all. When it was finally broadcasted, I was really impressed because it was so natural. Part of it was because working with Shinohara-san made it easy for me, but I think that in creating the role for myself, I was able to awaken a different part of myself..........

Anyway, it was completely different from "gokusen." For that one, I had a strong grasp of my character going into it (laugh). "anego" was an adult role that I had never had before, so I wasn't sure how to go about it. While I was mulling over it, the director told me to try acting without rigidly defining the role. That resonated with me, and I realized that there's another me who naturally evolves with my acting partner depending on the situation. It was a really fresh feeling, and I was taken aback by how fun it becameto act.

Including filming for "anego," from autumn two years ago, there have been dramas and concerts and interviews, and for a long time, I've barely had a single day off. It was so bad that I performed in concert with a fever, and I was definitely not in my best condition. I've been forced to realize that, especially since interviews are alone, taking care of my own health is extremely important. Also, since I spend a lot of time with friends my age, the atmosphere at a set where everyone is an adult is really different. I can't explain it to well, but I just know that it's not the same. I was also able to learn the excitement of acting in such an environment, though.

I was a mischievous kid who was always went against my surroundings

I'm 21 right now, but upon reaching this age, I've finally begun to understand a little bit about how society works. I haven't changed a lot since I was in my teens, but I think I have started to develop more flexibility in trying to understand even things that I've always rejected.

When I was little, I was always a troublemaker (laugh). I loved soccer and the "Dragonball" series, and I hated studying. I really disliked being bound to things, but on the other hand, for things that I liked, you couldn't stop me if you tried. I hated school because it was so restricting, and I wouldn't listen to what my parents told me. I was a really hopeless kid (laugh), but I had a lot of friends.

I still do, and many of my friends are halfs. Japanese people tend to be really exclusive to people who are different, or maybe there's just something about us that makes it hard to be open to outside things. Perhaps it's because I always hated that as a child... while halfs have something Japanese, perspective-wise, they look at Japan from outside in, so it's really easy to get along with them.

When I can't accept something, I just come out and say that I don't agree, so in my teenage years, I was always going up against people. In that sense, at work, I'm still at odds with others almost every day (laugh). In KAT-TUN, it's about things like the organization of concerts or song selection. The result? It depends, but most of my suggestions pass (laugh). In the end, I don't yield in places I feel strongly about, and just complaining to the members isn't my style. By fighting it out, I mature as well.... maybe it's because of that, but, generally, I don't get very stressed.

I don't tend to like confrontations or fighting, so I don't ever start anything. I never do things like that for the purpose of relieving stress. On days off, rather than hanging out with group members, I usually go shopping with my long-time friends, or play basketball or tennis with them. With KAT-TUN, we sometimes go out for meals or something, but our private lives in general are separate. Right before concerts though, I'm always surprised by the strength all six of us have when we're forced into the spotlight. I always think, "Wow, these guys are really amazing."

To my children, I want to say, "Your friends are precious."

Marriage? I hope to get married early on. I want to be a young dad, with 3 kids (laugh). I'll definitely be embarrasingly affectionate with my own children. If I had a daughter, I don't even know if I'd be able to work (laugh). I have a family friend with a kindergarten-aged daughter, and the other day, she said, "If Jin comes to my school's arts festival, I'll do my best!" I went, and even woke up early for it.

But, to my own kids, I'm sure I'll say things like, "You better go to school" and "listen to your parents." That's because I wouldn't want them to turn out like me. I think there's no reason to struggle and fight at times when it's not necessary.

In my case, even as a child, I had huge dreams, and I came this far without thinking about anything else... so I got in trouble at a lot of places. At school, instead of learning, I would get yelled at every time I rebelled, and learned about life that way. My dream? No, I can't tell you that yet! (laugh)

Just, from my experience, I want to tell my children, "Friends are precious." I was a really bad kid, but I was blessed with the people around me. Whenever I was in a pinch, I've always been saved by friends. I think that friendship is a really amazing thing. Rather than find a task and complete it successfully, I would almost rather just be able to live and laugh with my friends.

Even with my future wife, I don't think it will last long without friendship. If a time comes when I can't see the love between the two of us anymore, if there's still friendship there, our relationship will continue. I think that friendship is created as two people get used to one another, and that as you get used to love, it becomes difficult to see.

Marriage begins not as love but as a more romantic and affectionate feeling, and the love-- rather, passion-- slowly cools off. But, if it's rooted in friendship, if the two can continue on the rest of their lives as friends. So, in a marriage partner, what I look for is someone who can be a friend for life. Doesn't a marriage that starts off with passion and end with friendship sound really cool?

Right now, it's more fun for me to sing than to act. I've always liked Hollywood movies, especially Will Smith's "Bad Boys." I really like movies with back-and-forth shooting scenes (laugh). Like mafia or crime movies, too. Someday, I would love to try my hand at being a mafia character or something in a Hollywood movie.

A movie I've watched recently was Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" -- it was really great! This is just for here, but I want to marry Angelina (bursts out laughing). That's serious.


1) What is the first thing you look at on a girl you just met?

That would be the face, obviously. To see if she's my type or not. After that, the whole aura.
Rather than taking in her appearance as a whole, I'm attracted to the sensualness that comes from inside.

2) What does the moment you fall in love feel like?

It's very sudden, all based on feelings.
But, just so you know, I don't fall in love (laugh).

3) What female gestures or actions make your heart race?

How she looks while laughing.
When she has a pretty smile, my heart skips.

4) What kind of fashions do you like best?

It doesn't matter whether it's jeans or a mini-skirt. Anyway, I think that the kind of girl I would like would look good in anything (laugh).

5) What parts of yourself do you want others to notice?

Me, as I am -- without other "options." My job is included in those, so just me, without any of that.

6) What's your favorite accessory now?

My globe necklace. (Nishikido) Ryo-chan was wearing one, and I was thinking, "If only there was one in silver---" and then when I went to the shop, they had it.

7) What CD do you want to listen to when you're in love?

BoA's "merikuri" or AI's "Story." Or Amuro Namie-san or Kobukuro, etc.

8) What CD do you want girls to listen to?

There isn't anything in particular. For someone I really liked, I would write a song myself and give it as a present on her birthday.

9) What DVD or movie girl do you like?

I can't think of one in particular. I like actresses who are sexy but cute at the same time. I also like people with huskier voices.

10) What if the members of KAT-TUN were musical instruments?

Kamenashi would be castanets... no, the director. Tanaka would be the drums, and Taguchi the flute. Ueda is the guitar... wait, no, the piano. Nakamaru is the amp and connecting cord, and I'm the castanets (laugh).

As soon as he walked into the studio, Akanishi asked if it would be okay to play the guitar he found. The pictures were taken while he was actually playing. These were taken during a Remioromen song.

Akanishi-kun "especially likes" the movie "BAD BOYS"
Of course, Will Smith was really cool, but so was Martin Lawrence. Akanishi-kun really liked this movie, and he's also watched #2.

Born on 7/4/1984. Blood type O. KAT-TUN was formed in April 2001. Since then, the group has been active centrally in concerts. Finally, on March 22, they released their debut CD. The KAT-TUN Spring Tour 2006, which has mobilized a total of 630,000 people, goes on until May 14.

Five years after group formation, the long-awaited debut!
Five years since KAT-TUN was formed, they debuted at last on March 22, 2006. They released a single, album, and DVD all at once. Just as announced, they grasped first place on the hit charts on their first try!

Scans from night_child80 at boys_paper can be found here.

Translated by risa / bonjovial.

This is a really good interview. Really. It's not all dumbed-down and silly like the ones in Potato/Popolo/Myojo/etc. -- it's amazing how much more he gives or how much more they draw out of him, and JJ isn't, like, literary or anything... I don't know, but this seriously made me love Jin like a million times more ♥ He has such an interesting, and good, and refreshing point of view. A little old, but while there are still four more minutes-- HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! ♥♥♥

akanishi jin, love, translations

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