Pimping a new IJ comm for all HP characters: hp_may_madness

Apr 29, 2012 14:48

It's almost May, the time of love and frolics in the new mown hay...Time for our OTP's and their friends to make a couple or a trio or a group and share the romance and the lustiness that comes from this time of year ( Read more... )

pimp, pimping, pimpage

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Comments 3

enchanted_jae April 29 2012, 20:38:20 UTC
Question: Your header says it's an IJ comm, but when I mouse over the comm's name, it indicates it's at LJ.




bonfoi April 29 2012, 20:45:13 UTC
That's because it uses lj user= in the HTML. Mouse over the link From hp_may_madness's initial post: and you'll get to the IJ address.

It's a quirk of all the sites that use LJ basic language. Believe me, I know it can be confusing.


bonfoi April 29 2012, 20:47:27 UTC
I changed it so it's no so confusing now.


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