Title: Without Knowing Why
Pairing: Booth/Brennan
Rating: G
Genre: Introspection
Spoilers: None
Word count: 100
Author's notes:
mcee is running
a great challenge -- write a drabble based on your current default icon. No beta, no mulling it over, just write it and post it. It's fun! Since my default is currently Booth/Brennan (the icon I'm using for this post) I figured I'd share the drabble I wrote here.
He’s there for her. He’s always there for her. She doesn’t understand it, doesn’t understand why. Doesn’t know why he cares so much.
Doesn’t know why she needs him so much.
It’s more than saving her life. More than the protection he offers. She doesn’t want protection, usually; she can take care of herself.
She falls into his arms, when she’s hurt or frightened. She’s never turned to someone like she will to him. She doesn’t know why she does.
Doesn’t know why he lets her.
She’s not sure she wants to know. She’s too afraid of ruining this.