Title: Skull and Cross Bones
Author: Stablergirl
Rating: PG (for now)
Category: Crossover, AU
Fandoms: Bones/X-Files
Spoilers: Up to Bones season 5 finale with vague references to a particular new season 6 character, and let's say up to X-Files season 7.
Disclaimer: Neither show belongs to me.
Author's Notes: This would never happen, but be with me and suspend reality for a little fun. This story is written as if Bones and the X-Files existed at the same time and in the same universe. I originally started writing for an X-Files challenge, but found myself a little slow for the deadline and the story was getting a little too long already. So now I'm just posting for fun and to share with whoever might be interested! Thanks for reading!
Chapter 1: The Agent in the Basement )