Okay, I'm attempting to work from home today cause I'm still sick (lords, day four >_<) but there's a lot of stuff to get done and due dates etc etc BUT I thought I should still go do the Doctor and get a doctor's certificate and all that jazz, even if I don't need it
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Comments 11
1. Hayfever season has started! So everyone's allergies are starting to act.
2. The warm weather is making everyone get all horny, therefore we get the cooties. Deadly cooties.
3. Hibernating aliens have just woke up, so now they are giving us the sickness.
4. Our health system sucks.
2. The weather's been warm? O_O;;
3. Aliens hybernate?
4. But our health system is awesome in comparison to most of the rest of the world. And I'm not just talking 3rd world, I mean the US etc as well. Okay it sucks in comparison to, say, Sweden, but who can really argue with thousand year old rich scandinavian climes? XD
I know a bunch of people that have really serious things wrong with them - friends are staying with us because their son broke his arm yesterday pretty severely (I think he's in surgery right now >_<) for example, but lords! I blame open plan office buildings that don't allow fresh air! XD
It's warm alright - 32 degrees today and the weekend was so warm people were wearing next to nothing in town at night, so I've been feeling hot under the collar in more ways than one :P.
And the swedish make everyone look lame by comparison :P.
And yikes, fresh air in offices are important. Isn't there an airborn contagen that comes from unclean air conditioners? Starts with an L but I can't remember what it's called.
It's better than in the states and Europe - in America you might have to call up a week in advance, in the UK try two weeks. >__< So I say a 'slight' shortage P:
I guess since if I have a bad cold or something similar I don't bother going to the doctors normally and the last few times I have gone they've had openings for me I haven't noticed...
Whenever I'm sick I just go to a clinic and get a queue number. The queue's not that long at the clinic I keep going to, so I get diagnosed and treated very soon. (can always set up an appointment with the Doc but I'm just lazy)
Someone gets sick a TAD too much... ^_^;;
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