CAUTION: Adult Themes, Nudity & Sex. AWESOME! ^_^ Oh, and spelling errors, Not so awesome ;_;
Okay, so!
Muu found this super hot sim on modthesims2, Salus by ZombieJill. She'd played with him before before her Sims2 capable computer died in the arse, but she'd never had the opportunity to breed with him before it happened. TOTAL WOE!! Why? Apart from his obviously blatant awesome in the example screenshots? Because it clearly states on the download page:
"I hope you guys enjoy Salus! :3 He's awesome in game, and makes a nice model. XD; However, I don't suggest breeding with him... XDD God, are his children ever ugly. *laughs and shakes head*"
Did anyone else hear the twacking of thrown gauntlets? I sure as hell did, as did Muu! XD And so I made it my mission to, as the first thing I did after doing a completely new reinstall of all ma sims as I got given Pets and Nightlife for ma birthday, install him and BREEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!
ONE PROBLEM! I don't have Bon Voyage (YET! BWAHAHAAA! Its arriving sometime this week or early next week I believe. AWESOME) and being on a Mac I don't have clean installer or anything really equivalent -- FAIL! -- so he wont install directly with all his skins and everything. So I got ever useful and obliging Erik to pull just HIS package from the Sims2Pack, none of his extra stuff, and thought I'd do experiment one breeding: Salus without all of his bells and whistles. XD
Introducing Salasar Phormuu, our Hero and apparent carryer of UglyGene sperms..!
And our really pretty Uterus, his adoring wife Poppy. :D Poppy likes blue. You'll see this in their house. A lot. XD
Also introducing their pet (YAY MY FIRST EVER PET! I didn't even have pets for the original Sims!), a Samoid named Coffee. She's ADORABLE! For some reason I thought they were dog people. Don't ask me why. XD
So, through a process of elimination, and the fact that I haven't really installed hardly any sims at all, I'm assuming this IS him XD XD I can't find any other custom sims in my game that I don't know the origins of, and he showed up in my premade sims bin without eyebrows but funnily enough all the right corresponding freckles and such that I already had installed. So, I'm guessing this is what he looks like when he doesn't have all his awesome extra stuff and you throw on an Enayla skin & eyeballs XD
Just to double check I kept following him around to see if he would make the :| face so I could tell if it was him or not via broody test. CEPT I GAVE HIM TOO MANY NICE POINTS, DAMMIT! So he spends all his time with this goofy grin on his face. He rolled "Buy a Toymaking Station" and since I got Open For Business all shiny and new I thought okay why the hell not.
APPARENTLY! Hammering at bricks is SERIOUS BUSINESS.
YAY! My first ever Sir Bricks-a-Lot!! :D
Yes yes you're both deeply in love, now get to the baby making..!
So coffee pees in the daisies, then goes ZOMG AWESOME! And rolls around in it, and I think its the most AWESOME THING EVER SO CUTE!! *has problems*
Mmmmm eye default replacements. And yay Coffee can has chewing..!
I may or may not be obsessed with this dog... *whistles*
YES! Lets get going on those sexy times kids! Thats... Not an attractive face.. Either of you... O_o;;;
YES! Is that a 'Woo I'm knocked up, baby!' wink?
Salusar: OoooOh look at all the pretty sparklies!
Poppy: *vomits into own mouth* ZOMG AM I PREGNANT?!
Yes, yes you are!
Poppy: So check it out, we're totally pregnant.
PS: That's the ACR adjuster thingy in the background posing as perfectly innocent yellow pages on the sideboard. I am excited to have ACR, YAY! Never had it before. :D *is easily amused*
Wow, so completely off his face maid is fully off his face. DRUGS ARE BAD, REMINGTON! Lay off 'em, k? Pregnant lady in the house! Not to mention perfectly impressionable ADORABLE DOGS NAMED AFTER CAFFIENATED PRODUCTS!
Elderly-Dog-Trainer-Lady-Who's-Name-I-Forgot wears ENTIRELY too much makeup. Although, I do likey ma default replacements. Who are you impressing, Elderly-Dog-Trainer-Lady-Who's-Name-I-Forgot?? THE ANIMALS DON'T CARE IF YOUR EYELIDS ARE SILVER!
OH GOD GYPSY LADY >_<;;;;; I know they're supposed to have bad makeup, but O_O;;;; And.. is that a WART UNDER HER EYE?! O_O;;;;; *cries in the night*
Salusar did not marry Poppy for her culinary expertise. He married her for her Pretty Uterus, remember?
Poor Poppy, burninating some instant peas ;_; Carcinogens are totally healthy for first trimester foetuses... Fully.
So while Salusar's wife is burning food and poisoning their first born, some crazy lady calls up the house and asks if he wants to go downtown. Since Nightlife is all shiny and new for me I was like HELL YES! Poppy can fend for herself, she's frozen in time getting burnt carrots from the oven anyway.
Salusar jumps in the taxi in his PJs cause that's how he rolls, and they head on down to a bowling alley. WOOT!
His downtown casual social group is kind of scary, however. Comprised of this questionable specimen of Jailbait...
...Crazy Bowling-Shirt Lady that called Salusar up in the first place. Thats... Some mighty powerful breathing power you have there Lady... Who I will now refer to as Antons since thats what her shirt says. If that's not your name, don't wear a shirt that says otherwise!
MOAR-STONER-DUDE god, whats with the drugs guys? Its cause I named the neighbourhood Freshie, isn't it? This is my penance. UGH!
Oh and HAI Sandy Bruty. I'm sure I'll be killing your arse later on in ma Rainbow Legacy ^_^
Also accompanying Salusar in this carnival of terror, is Melissa Fancey of the questionable fashion sense (flaming pants!? WHEN was that ever in fashion?!), and...
... THE NOSE!!! O_O
So, Salusar's tips for making friends and influencing people. Step One: Upon first aquaintance do not bother to get dressed so that everyone can enjoy your manly physique. If you are a woman you probably dont have a manly physique (*worry*), but your toplessness will surely make a strong impression. Step Two: hurl radioactive waterbaloons at velocity. And make sure they hit. Hard.
Step Three: Laugh gleefully as you saturate your new friend in fall-out, causing them to develop cancer of the face (since thats where you hit them). They will love you for it.
Srs, Antons was all OMG YAY CANCER *plusplus*
So, Mel's got game, who knew?! She bowled strikes and spares the whole time at the alley.
I have a question, why do they get to bowl in whatever the hell they feel like onto the alleys, and in real life we have to SHARE FUNGALLY INFECTED FOOTWEAR? If we have to put up with fug townies the least EAxis could've done was made sure everyone had to wear some kind of tinea inducing bowling shoes. I am filled with disappointment. For atleast three seconds anyway.
That last traitorous pin, I feel your pain, Salusar! He should've totally quit while he was ahead though, that was the only non-gutterball he bowled all night.
WTH you looking at, Too-shiny-faced-guy?! Also, why and you and that guy behind you dress to match? Are you twins?
Oh god I will stop asking questions if you stop staring at me! O_O;;; *hides under bed covers*
Aaaaah! Here is Coffee, rolling around on the super wet bath-mat after she got a bath to wipe away the horror of Too-shiny-faced-guy.
I admit it. I freaken LOVE this dog.
YAY MOoOAAAAaaAR COFFEE SPAM! LoL Tongue hanging out <3333 D'awwww!
Poppy: *popboings*
YES I CAPTURED THE PINK DUST!! First time I've even SEEN IT in game, and I got it! Pity I didn't have her wearing clothes that would do the pop animation, but beggars can't be choosers, I GOT THE PINK DUST YEAH!!
Just in case you didn't catch that the first time: PIIINK DUUUUUST!! YAY!!
Whoa thats... Thats a BELLY you're sporting there, Poppy. Are you being an awesome family sim and giving me twins for this breeding experiment!? There's a good girl. You can eat that entire serving dish of Pork Chops you pretty, pretty uterus.
Yes, having your waters break on your lounge room carpet by the expensive Piano has got to be pretty painful, I gotta grant you.
YAY! Its a girl, Violet cause she got her Father's eyes. She's also got his hair colour (damn you recessive red! So recessive, yet so pretties) and her skin tone seems to be part way beween the two parents...
And another girl, Lila! Who kinda looks a bit stoned... Carcinogenic peas, Poppy. Let that be a lesson to you! At this point she looks like a Violet clone, I was gonna call her Lilac but it felt.. Weird so Lila it is! XD
Because infancy goes past so very fast... (Hey, this is an experiment, I can age em up as fast as I like, got it?) YAY ToddlerLila™ :D :D
So she's looking super cute, not an ugly in sight..! Very perfectly coiffed hair you has there, little miss.
Uh... So, the lesson of the peas. Violet ages up and is ADORABLE (full props for pajamas in your Mum's favourite colours little one!) if not completely stonedxored... Maybe she's just sleepy from all that exploding? *hopes*
Wooo! nopes she came out of it all okay, and look ADORABLE!!! If not a bit concerned. I'd be concerned too if my milk bottle was glowing blue too, Violet. So thats some SMARTS you has there, maybe carcinogenic peas are actually an advantage!
Okay, Violet is CRAZY CUTE! I can't deny it. And she also has the power to channel the Fonz. She just bashes that xylophone, music plays and she's all "Aeeeeeyhe..!" PARTY TIME!
Lila does baby smustle! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Look at her, all dancing on the floor to her Dad's piano playing. So supportive!
MY doesn't time fly..! One moment you're dancing on the floor in your pajamas to your dad's piano playing, the next you're standing in the exact same place you were sitting, smiling sweetly in your dad's direction still wearing pajamas...
Just imagine there was a whole lot of montage music, and everything will be A-Okay..! ^_^
So.. I'm still not seeing the ugly. Anyone else?
Violet as a child, so.. STILL ADORABLE! Though not sure about her clothing choices, maybe I take the pea-praise back...
One of the UGLIES apparently that Salus children inherit is "weird lack of top lip" looking at these shots, I think both girls have pretty much inherited Poppy's lips. SCORE, GIRLS!
Violet + Sir Bricks-a-lot = OTP! :D She spends so much time playing with him and teaching him tricks. XD
WHY EAxis?! WRRRRRRRY?! Honestly what up with this face? I'm all for enormous lips, hell I have them in real life, but I'm not seeing this as an awesome combination of features here... Poor Gardener lady who's name I forget. Pigtails do nothing for your face shape ;_;
So I think Poppy faked it...
Cause it was TOTALLY good for Salusar.
LOL! I just thought this was hilarious! The maid came in to make the bed so they just went for it on the floor, Salusar's head bashing into the underside of that end-table the entire time... XD
There is nothing mentally scarring about this shot. Nothing at all. Nope. *whistles* God I so hope the only thing thats red here is the actual game... ^_^;;
Eeee!! Violet is king of the world. Thats right. KING. I LOVE the show-off interaction! SO CUTE!!
D'awww!! Dancing on feets. This is so much cute! I hope Poppy's toes are in tact when they're done O_o;;
I guess she doesn't need toes to be a pretty uterus though... PROCEED!
Aww Poppy, you're such a cutie, and the photo booth does you NO justice!. LOL You look so bored and posessed in the bottom left hand corner shot, Hon.
OMG IN THE BIN!! The toy making table is BRUTAL, yo!
ZOMG RABID CAT! Hahaa poor Lila, she has to school the next day and tell the teacher that a stray cat ate her homework XD
Okay thats the end of Kim spam. I want Violet to adopt her, but I haven't seen her since ;_; COME BACK, KIM!
I still don't get the attraction of this game... Yay lets bruise each other on purpose O_O;; WTH is going on with Lila's eyes?
Time for a bit of sleep-stalking XD Violet definitely has her mother's mouth...
Lila has her mum's bottom lip and her dad's top lip. Im still not seeing the total advertised fug though. I mean they're not the most gorgeous sleeping faces I've ever seen, but they're not evil either.
So, I'm assuming that they've been brought up in a time of drought, that's the only way I can account for Violet being THIS stoked to see rain...
Vomming into one's own mouth = YAY BABIES!
Okay, so this neighbourhood apparently LOVES this face template. O_O;;; Hai old repairdude! At least these features SUIT you! Unlike the poor gardener. ;_;
Only a random teenage townie comes to have sympathy pain... Wow, good work supportive family. WHERE ARE YOU WHEN THE PRETTY UTERUS IS IN PAIN?!
Ahhahaaa! I love that RIGHT after the having-a-baby cutscene, they're all cute and cuddly then the baby folds down into the Mum's arms and she makes THIS SRSBUSINESS face for a split second before the camera relinquishes control XD XD
Because the whole family was off doing who knows what, This is Baby Jonas. Same everything as his Dad. *laughs* Also, I think he inherited his Dad's nice points. Look how he's all "YAY! HARDWOOD FLOOR! *pleased*"
And awwww second boy, Reginald. HAI REG! Same everything as his dad again. XD
Yeah, Poppy? This is probably going to happen.... JUST FYI *whistles*
My doesn't time fly *whistles* Baby Jonas. So, I think we can all concur, ADORABLE! Where is this reputed fug?!
HAI REG!!! :D Do no be alarmed by his stoner face action, he's just as adorable as Jonas. Actually I think he might be IDENTICAL to Jonas O_O;;; Can sims HAVE identical twins?!
Just checking back in with one of the girls. Yeaps, Lila's still cute. Has quite a.. Long neck on her though, though that was the epitome of beauty in regency times so that can't be held against her.
LOL! Poor Reginald. He's all "ARMAGAD WHY YOU CLEAN ME?" XD
Okay. So. Identical twins ARE identical O_O;;
LOL! CLASSY Poppy. You're not even pregnant atm. You're still a Pretty Uterus though, even when stuffing your face.
I take it that that's some really delicious Mac & Cheese?
The boys are toddlers, get back to baby making you guys! GET TO IT! *cracks whip*
PS: Are those boots really good for that chinese silk, Poppy? O_O;;
*melts from the cute*
Can't melt from cute if the kid is ugly now can we?!
So, I guess Violet just gets REALLY excited by weather? This is her first snow, and it sends her into fits of paroxysms complete with "Oh What A Feeling Toyata!" jumping. In her pajamas. That's... Pretty excited.
*sings* Violet was a girl.... She was a pig-tailed girl... Maybe she was just a girrr-rrlll..! But she was still VIOLEEEEEEEET!!! VIOLEEEEEEEET!!!
Burninating the muffins...! Burninating the cupcakes, Burninating all the baked goods in the RIP CO. LITTLE BAKER OOOOVEEENNNN...!
Uh... so LILA WAS A GIRRRLLLL...! etc... *whistles*
Apparently the Phormuus and baking do not mix.
Lila? See how its the middle of winter? NO ONE WANTS YOUR LEMONADE IN A SNOW STORM O_O;;;
Hot chocolate stall maybe? Especially if you have marshmallows. MmMmMMmm Marshmallows.
*trying really really hard not to make an Iced Coffee joke*
Oh look, I failed. XD
Lila?! I can't fathom a reason why this would be okay? Whether its toilet water or left over bathwater or what, its still all GROSS. GROSS LILA, GROSS!
Lila grows up into a finely shaped teen and wait... O_O WE SEE THE UGLY APPEAR! What's going on under those eyeballs, woman?
HOLY SHIT! EYES AND CHEEKS. You could cut shit on those cheeks. Get herself an emo boyfriend and he can cut himself on her -- TRUE EMO LOVE! O_O;; God. just LOOK at those eyebags and cheek bones...
Violet grows up. She also has the eyebags, but they're no where near as bad as Lila's. Her cheeks are still pretty damn sharp...
Yeah no, she's definitely cuter than Lila. Sorry Lila! The eyebags though. Wow. Just. Wow.
Okay the pretty formal updo Lila had was weirding me out now she was a teen, so I changed it a little to still an updo but something more believable for everyday.
Lila your undead face fills me with fear ;_; There's something so incredibly... Skeletal and 'Heroine Chic' about her now. God, you could be an extra on the set of a Thriller remake and they wouldn't need any makeup for you... WHAT HAPPENED?! Nothing makeup can't cover, but for the purposes of this experiment Im leaving her fresh faced till she hits adulthood... This is like child actors that are the most adorable things in the world but when they grow up look terrifying, isn't it? ISN'T IT!??!
Maaan I wonder how the boys will end up...
I am SO amused that most of these shots hide their faces in some way. D But wow, look at the terror of the top right photo, is Lila gonna eat Violets brains?!?!
Uh. No Poppy. Just...No.
IcedCoffee™ is a snow plow! *heartshearts*
So, the girls inherited burnination from Poppy. You're making salad only forever now, sweetness. Cooking isn't your strong suit, you can stick to being the uber pretty baby incubator, k? /misogynist
Salusar and Lila calm their nerves from the potential horror of their house possibly burning down by punching each other up 'playfully' in the kitchen. Salusar won, but pretty much giving Lila a dead arm. You're an AWESOME dad, Salusar >_>;;
Awwww!! Coffee sleeping on Lila's bed! <333 She hasn't done that since before the girls were born and the room was only furnished with guest beds. *snuggles Coffee*
Yes, Lila DOES sleep with Cricket Bats next to her head. It soothes her, K? Are you gonna argue with Skeletor's bride?
OH GOD THE CUUUUUUTE!! <333333333333333333
OooOoh! Poppy is vomiting..!
MOAR VOMMING!! Really potent vomit at that. What the hell is in that Mac & Cheese?
Yeaps Poppy, you are. WHAT GAVE IT AWAY?!
You would think after being pregnant twice before it'd take less that three sprints to the toilet to chuck the contents of her stomach up for her to begin entertaining the idea of being pregnant...
Reginald grew up! And to celebrate he sings the Supreme's classic, STOP! In the Name of Love.
K. So. Reginald is definitely a cutie in the child stage...
Jonas grows up into a COMPLETE CLONE OF REGINALD. O_O;;; Even matching pajamas? Boys? What was that about?
Okay, identical twins are DEFINITELY identical.
Jonas loves big bricks and he cannot lie!! You other brother's can't deny!
Reg? Boats? They don't fly. Although, upside down, it DOES look an awful lot like a spacecruiser... YOU MAY BE ONTO SOMETHING!
Wow, so, identical twins ARE apparently possible in the Sims. Since, LOOK! I HAS PUDDING, the proof, it is in it!
So the girls head off to school, and they bring home this questionably made-up piece of crumpet; Ella Strange.
And through the power of montage music *plays Eye of the Tiger* WOO! Time for the girls to grow up! Violet is first.. She's kind of grown into her cheeks and her eyebags... Don't look half bad really. I bet with a little make up she'd be damn foxy. Yeah, I said it. FOXY!
She rolled Pleasure sim (LOL! My first!). Her turn ons? Vampirism and Makeup. INTERESTING... XD
Lila grows up while her mother juggles espresso cups and Ella Strange lurks about in doorways. Poor Lila, you still look mighty skeletal, honey... ;_;
*injects fatty tissue into her cheeks and eyes to try and pad them out a bit*
You can see how badly ZOMBIElike she looks in her profile pic. Also, she's crosseyed in that shot. Also, REMINGTON THE MAID?!?! Wth is it with the Phormuu women and wanting a piece of the help?!
Wow Ella, thats... Mega classy there. Yeaps. Thanks for sharing... >_>;;;
So Reg grows up and as predicted: EYEBAGS OF DOOM and the weird slicey cheekbones. Also, what happened to your top lip? Did it go on holiday to Jamaica?
So Reg's stats cracked me up: He rolled knowledge, his turn ons are fatty-chan's with dye jobs and wont go near a cougar with a 40 foot barge pole. I CALL GEEK! XD ♥
Jonas tests out his own mettle and deems it AWESOME.
Is it Jonas, is it Reginald?! WHO CAN TELL?! What I WOULD like someone to tell me is, how did they manage to have their eyes get so big?! O_O;;;
So in case you were wondering what Salusar has been doing this entire time; He's been playing the piano in his underpants.
Playing and playing all day and all night...
I guess Poppy isn't complaining so why should he do anything else?
So Reginald decides that Ella isn't really his type, but he offers to give her a makeover to try and get her atleast halfway there.
Woo she goes off her nut with excitement about her new look. Unfortunately, he still finds her apparently repulsive so all the effort was for nothing... When he scopes out the room he decides some random Townie walking past their house is WAY hotter than Ella.
ps: I wan't Ella's scarf. And that ring, kthx.
This is the other thing Salusar does. He goes out the back like some kind of evil toymaking genius and makes toys for hours on end... This was in his green fire-engine phase. Next up he began tinkering with the Clown-In-The-Box. Something I will allow him to make until he gets his silver badge, but no one is EVER HAVING ONE IN THEIR HOUSE. EVER.
Poppy: SHOOFLEE?!?!
Twins again! HOORAY!! And this time they inherit Poppy's skin tone, even if their eyes and haircolour is still 100% Salusar. This is a little girl, Penelope...
(That's that random townie Reginald thought was SUPER hot. WTH!? She's neither fatty-chan NOR has custom hair).
And this is Marcus. Awwww so cute and drowsy little Marcus <333
Guys! First you put one of the identical twins on hardwood floors upstairs and NOW Penelope is on the cold tiles in the kitchen?! Look at her worried face, shes so cold and you're neglecting her ;_;
Time to grow up Pen-Pen... Awww!! So cute!! Transitioning to an outfit that both matches her eyes and incorporates her mum's favourite colour. PROPS TINY GIRL! Also, again, NO TODDLER FUG, DO WE AGREE!?
Reginald? Try not to slice your baby sister up with your cheekbones, k?
Aww Marcus! Your cuteness blinds me. BLINDS ME!! How can I finish this post now if Im blind!?
AFK learnin' braille keyboard.
So while the twins are transitioning I go check on what the others are doing and LOOK WHAT I CATCH TEEN JONAS DOING WITH ADULT RANDOM TOWNIE!!!!!
BAD JONAS!! NO COOKIE! Also, caressing some woman's face while you think about your little baby brother is just sick and wrong. DO YOU HEAR ME? Apparently Jonas minds not the cougar action >_<;;; You're a family sim, Jonas. Unless youre impregnating her right now (and you're thirteen so you're NOT GOING TO, YOU HEAR ME?!) she'll be off the boil once you're an adult. Hands to yourself, please!
Reginald why are you bringing Penny over here?! WHAT CAN BAD COOKIE-LESS-JONAS-JAILBAIT AND HIS COUGAR-GIRLFRIEND HAVE TO BENEFIT A TODDLER?! Look at her face, its filled with trepidation. I'd be scared too Pen-Pen. *cuddles*
Holding her upside down and shaking her isn't really an improvement, Reginald >_>;;;; I dont care how much she appears to be loving it.
Eeeee! ADORABLE! Penny's loving herself some fireengine action. I guess she figures if she shakes it hard enough, firemen will come spilling out. *smiles brightly*
It might be kind of snot coloured, but that doesn't mean you should eat it, Marcus. WAIT..! THAT DEFINITELY means you shouldn't eat it! eeeps!
Yeah, its not the early 90's Reg. Lay off the heroins, k? Although his face says one thing and his body says well HELLOOO muscles. So its giving off mixed signals here, I gotta say. XD
Penelope: WHOA I HAS A HAND!!!
Marcus: WOW! You so do!
Penelope: WICKED! OM NOM NOM!!
Wow! Poppy! Five minutes together where you're NOT pregnant!! Downtime means playing with Coffee and a long stick? *eyebrow raise*
Awww yeah!! Marcus has got the powah! *boogies*
Pen-Pen, you are so cute. <333
CharismaRabbit: SPEEEESSWADS!
Penny grows up into a musically inclined little child, And she's STOKED ABOUT IT!
Child Marcus discovers that, now that he is a child and is free from his bear-suited mitten-paws, he ALSO has hands! But is much too old to nom them.
SO CUTE!!!! <33333333333333333333333 They've definitely got some mixed genetics going on here too, much much more so than their four other siblings.
Pen-Pen! DON'T DRINK THAT!! Where are your smarts, girl?! Bubble blowing: UR DOIN IT WRONG!
UGH! Yes, it does taste bad, don't you listen?!
Pen-Pen's adorable admiring the snow face is ADORABLE.
Now she's older and no longer drinking bubble detergent, Penelope opts for SRS LITERATURE!
Marcus: My book is too hard, can we swap!?
Even being a doofus he's SO CUTE! Where is the Fug?! THERE IS NONE!
Poppy, the Angelic Uterus. <33333 Maybe that's her secret. She was an angel that actually DID fall, and Salusar picked her up in a bar...
Salusar: Hey baby, did it hurt?
Poppy: Did what hurt?
Salusar: When you fell from heaven?
Poppy: WELL ACTUALLY! I got this huge bruise on my left thigh and I broke four nails! And I can't tell you what re-entry did to my hair, I mean it positively caught fire and trying to wash singed hair smell out is impossible let me tell you! Three bottles of honey-pear fragranced shampoo later and I swear I could still smell it on me...
Salusar: *gasp* WANNA BREED?
Poppy: k! *bounces*
Not only is Marcus ADORABLE, but he's also pretty handy around the house. Look Coffee! Clean foods! RILLYRILLY clean actually, since he spent a good hour or so scrubbing at that thing O_o;;
Anally retentive child, much?
Pen-Pen has grown!! And is still captivated by her hand... >_>;;
She has the trade-mark eyebaggies, but not as bad as the rest of her siblings to date, and she has the sharp cheekbones but they kind of work for her, unlike poor Lila. A little evening-out foundation and she's choice!
*does not play favourites or anything*
TeenMarcus is astounded to discover he has TWO, count them, TWO HANDS! *gasps*
Wow... So the Identicals brought home "Deborah Freeman" to 'play' ... Looks like someone needs to teach this girl how to apply makeup. STAT. O_O;;; But shes blonde and 'of-age' and so I'll take it if it means prying Jonas off of Cougar-Lady.
Wow, so, remember how I said Salusar spends ALL his time outside tinkering on that toy table..? Well thank god I checked on him because he was three seconds off of freezing to death out there. *sigh* Salusar! Please to be a good example to your kids, k??
NOW WHAT DID I SAY?! Now Pen-Pen has frozen. >_<;; Those aren't gloves she's wearing, thats the COLOUR OF HER HANDS! AUGH!!!
OMG MY FIRST EVER EVIL SNOWMAN!! My Sims up until now have always made happy, NICE ones!! YEAH DIABLO SNOWMAN, GONNA BURNINATE YOU ALL! AND HE'S ON BORROWED TIME, CAUSE HEAT + SNOW = NO MORE BURNINATION! So he's coming to get you, and he arrived two minutes ago. HE'S ALREADY IN YOUR HOUSE!! RUN!!
So the minor eye-baggies and the bandana and everything..? Actually totally works for Marcus. GO SEXY BOI! :D
Jonas grows up to be a strapping young man..! Why does your shirt say zero Jonas? You're ANYTHING but that! :D :D The eye baggies and cheekbones kinda give you some pretty cool character. I likes!
Reginald grows up and likes what he sees. That painting thinks he's pretty hot too.
None-too shabby, Reg! :D
As an aside I quickly grew up Marcus (but didn't save cause I like him and Pen-Pen as teens XD) to see ha he'd look like as an adult. Apart from no-lips he's kinda looking more like his dad than any of the others, only, you know, white. XD HEY HOTTIE MARCUS! Coming down to ma part o' town? *sleazoid wink*
Adultified Penelope. For some reason I imagine with a little bit of concealer, a new hairdo and some cute geeky glasses she'd be Ms. Hotness from Hot-town, Hottsopolis.
Violet and Lila moved out when the Identicals grew into teenagers, so this is them over at their shared-house, post-makeovers that suit their personalities more. :D Violet rolled pleasure sim, and gets around in black, 70s inspired flowing bodysuits and knee-highs. HOT! But she wasn't actually that bad to begin with so its not hard to see how she'd end up looking like this XD
And Lila? Could anything REALLY be done to save her poor, emaciated self?
HELL YES! Romance Sim, Lila, in her own red room looking curvaceously gorgeous -- not a Skeleton in sight! :D
So the verdict?! This incarnation of Salus coupled with Poppy the Pretty Uterus = NO UGLY BBS!
Maybe the identical twins are kind of.. Average-ish, but that hardly counts. And we were all so looking forward to Frankenstein's monsters... *pouts*
Are you happy you two?! WELL ARE YOU?!
Well. I guess they are. ^_^
WARNING! XD This is a MASSIVE post of 171 pics. MASSIVE POST IS MASSIVE! If you're on dial up, I recommend ye do no enter here... XD