Here I am

May 01, 2007 15:31

At home, having woken up with a migraine. As I tried to go about my day my entire body felt off, my muscles were knotted and I kept getting leg cramps. What's up with that? I have felt somewhat dehrydrated despite drinking 1-2 liters of water a day. The migraine is finally going away. I'm going to take a bath to see if I can get my body to relax ( Read more... )

migraine, me

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Comments 5

firedancer_ny May 1 2007, 21:19:12 UTC
Thanks for reminding me it is Beltaine. Somehow I forgot May 1 is special. Too many other things on my mind I suppose.

I sure hope you feel better and more relaxed soon!


bolowolf May 1 2007, 21:39:11 UTC
Glad to help out and remind you about Beltaine! I think its worth remembering. :) I was thinking it would be nice to celebrate with others, but I don't know of any such events and its a little late to plan one. I hope you're able to find a good way to celebrate!

Speaking of reminders, this weekend starts the Friends of the Library booksale! I think I'm planning on going Saturday morning.

Thanks for the good wishes, I do feel a bit better after having taken a hot bath.


firedancer_ny May 2 2007, 02:04:31 UTC
Speaking of reminders, this weekend starts the Friends of the Library booksale!

How do you know this & I don't??!!!


soulspirals May 2 2007, 12:59:44 UTC
Umm. We have priorities, you know.


bolowolf May 2 2007, 13:52:09 UTC
Obviously you have "too many other things" on your mind. ;)

It is all about priorities afterall.


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