My gods--this is amazing!!!

Nov 23, 2008 14:41

Please take the time to watch this. The first 3:33 or so is mostly Bill Moyers talking, and then there is the most amazing segment of a guy going around the world recording everyday people, frequently street musicians, playing "Stand By Me".

Watch it.http://www.pbs.

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Comments 3

phoenixmedusa November 23 2008, 21:55:33 UTC
Do you have a link?


bolowolf November 23 2008, 23:08:50 UTC
Guess I got a little over excited and forgot the link -- silly me.


phoenixmedusa November 23 2008, 23:41:39 UTC
Thank you for sharing was wonderful.
I cried during the "Stand by Me" part.
I dont think some people realize just how powerful music can heal and bring people together...and do all kinds of wonderful things.


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