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bojojoti June 10 2013, 01:34:45 UTC
We used to have a calico in the area who would terrorize my birds. Once I was at the computer, and some sparrows kept flying at my patio door. They were trying to get my attention! I saw the calico had climbed up to the top of the deck where their birdhouse was and she was trying to fish the babies out! I grabbed the water hose, gave her a dousing, and chased her off. She later returned and finished the job--probably after I went to bed. I was so upset that the sparrows had counted on me to save their babies and I failed. I shot that cat with water every time she got near our yard, and she finally quit coming. I now have a birdhouse on top of some thorny roses. It would be a challenge for any cat to bother those birds!


bluiidmommy June 7 2013, 15:28:01 UTC
That's a shame your garden was meddled with, though it looks like you're making it beautiful again. And I agree, the little goddess is starting to fit in. Another couple winters and she'll fit in perfectly. :)

I love the little bird! He's so cute and rumpled looking.


bojojoti June 10 2013, 01:37:51 UTC
When I started gardening, I have a five-year plan to have it all done, but I've realized that it's never going to be done!

Baby birds are so cute and grumpy looking!


bluiidmommy June 15 2013, 16:35:35 UTC
I've always imagined it's a forever-project. Your gardens are always beautiful, and the love you have for your flowers is very apparent. How do you remember all their names, though?


bojojoti June 15 2013, 18:32:37 UTC
They're my children! Wouldn't forget a child's name!


curiouswombat June 7 2013, 16:07:05 UTC
Alliums are very pretty - I hope some of them survived Mr Bojo not pulling them up!

And your robins are cute - but I still find it weird that you call them robins when, to my eye, they so clearly aren't!


bojojoti June 10 2013, 01:52:27 UTC
I have quite a few alliums that survived the weeding!

I have to admit that English robins are prettier, but my American ones are so sweet and have pleasing personalities. They are so bright. They are interested in what I'm doing, and if I grab a shovel, they follow my progress, hoping I'll dig up some fresh earth for them to search for worms. Robins are some of my favorite birds in the yard. Maybe it's my roses, but we have lots of bird inhabitants. Robins always nest in the crabapple and sparrows in the birdhouses. I saw cardinals checking out one of my rosebushes, so I hope they'll move in.


pondhopper June 7 2013, 22:36:00 UTC
What is that lovely white and green-leafed plant in the first picture?
I hope baby Robin survived!
I have no place for a shade garden...it's ll too sunny!
I could dig around the base of our huge olive tree but nothing much grows under and olive tree unless it's in containers.

I hope Bojoette only spots storms and doesn't chase them!

ARGH about all the duct work and misplaced registers!


bojojoti June 10 2013, 02:24:58 UTC
That's polemonium, variety Brise D'Anjou. I love variegated foliage. I hope it likes it here. It probably wants more moisture than it is going to get, so we'll see.

I hope so, too. Robins are my favorites in the yard. Cardinals are pretty, but robins are sweet.

I've told my daughter exactly that!

I don't like remodeling surprises. It appears now that the crew discovered some reason why the vent couldn't be placed in the spot we had agreed upon and called the head contractor, and he gave them the go-ahead. I know that I would have agreed if it had been explained to me, so the outcome is the same, but it would have been nice to be asked.


snofox June 8 2013, 02:53:24 UTC
How hard is it to complete some work as specified??? That is frightfully scary. I feel your pain. I remember when Danny put our kitchen in and had the help of a 'handyman' because he didn't have the confidence in himself (honestly, I KNOW he could have done a better job!) and when Danny was at work and the handyman doing stuff I was in tears because I was seeing what he was doing and so thankful I was there to stop him and rectify things and help him THINK... and I'm thinking the whole time "how is it that me with no training in this area understands things he doesn't appear to?" it was SCARY!!! I am bummed for you that you are forever inconvenienced now because of this. I know it's not the end of the world, but seriously... it should not be that hard :/


bojojoti June 10 2013, 02:31:18 UTC
After I complained to my husband, he talked to the contractor and was told they couldn't put the vent where I wanted and the workmen had called their head guy and gotten his approval. If it had been explained to me, I would have agreed with what was done, so it's the same in the end. Except, I had a nasty surprise!

I won't be complaining about the hole in my new floor next week when we have 100° weather!


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