Gargoyle Garden

Jun 02, 2013 02:04

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Comments 22

curiouswombat June 2 2013, 15:38:07 UTC
Oh my goodness - what a contrast between Hawkeye Belle and Fame!

Pure Poetry has gorgeous blooms. I rather like your gargoyle, too.


bojojoti June 3 2013, 02:03:27 UTC
And to think they used to--all three--be the same size!

The gargoyle--like the swan--came with the property. No one wanted to move them, and I'm glad. I just wish they'd had a heavy birdbath, too!


auntconi June 2 2013, 18:27:32 UTC
Beautiful yard with so many glorious blossoms... I love it!
Perhaps you should move Clair Martin "out of the corner"...
before Hawkeye Belle takes over the entire space... just a thought...

Your yard is lovely and I know this requires a lot of work,
but it must be so rewarding to see it all blooming...
and "looking good!"


bojojoti June 3 2013, 02:06:18 UTC
It's very rewarding. I know there are beautiful rose gardens on the coasts, but there is something special about having your own pretty little spot even if it isn't as spectacular or grand.

Clair Matin is a climber, and they are notoriously slow in getting started. I'll give him five to ten years to get going. I'm very patient with my roses!



auntconi June 3 2013, 20:26:54 UTC
I had a problem with Japanese beetles "eating my roses" ... the plants were skeletons, almost overnight.
I just couldn't seem to get rid of them... finally had my son dig out the roses.
Now I have no problem with Japanese beetles... but I also have no roses... boo-hoo-hoo
I hesitate to plant more as I don't want to bring the bugs back... I wonder if was just something that year...
Have you ever had a problem with "bugs" on your roses... and what did you do?


bojojoti June 3 2013, 21:28:02 UTC
I've heard that Japanese beetles are a nightmare. I'm so grateful they aren't here yet. The only thing I've heard that people do is knock them off into soapy water, but that would be a full-time job in some locations.

I'm fortunate that I have lots of birds and beneficial insects that take care of predators. I may squish some aphids by hand, but that's about all I have to do. We also are home to a family of skinks, and they keep the garden patrolled, too.


julia_here June 2 2013, 18:38:22 UTC
I envy you the tidiness, and the time to take photos; aside from documenting a huge overgrown peach branch currently looming above my lilacs, quince tree, and Russell's Cottage Rose I've got twenty pounds of work in a five pound bag right now.

Julia, must document chicks, but no time, no time!


bojojoti June 3 2013, 02:08:34 UTC
I don't have living things that need to be cared for on a daily basis! If I don't touch my roses for the rest of the year, most of them would do just fine.

I don't photograph the untidiness. The bindweed encircling most of my plants is enough to discourage anyone. I also don't have the acreage to cover like you--just a city lot.


jazzyglo June 2 2013, 23:45:56 UTC
Wow, Pure Poetry is GORGEOUS!!

I love all the color in your yard. It's really a feast for the eyes.

I didn't see one range picture in the bunch, though. Just sayin'.



bojojoti June 3 2013, 02:10:15 UTC
I do love that rose. Each bloom is a surprise and a masterpiece.

I'll see about shooting the range tomorrow!


embrace_2012 June 3 2013, 00:49:39 UTC
And thank you for the tour. Great yard!


bojojoti June 3 2013, 02:10:34 UTC
Happy to have you along! Thanks!


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