Reading List

Nov 01, 2012 02:19

I got this from kiwiria:  from NPR Books, a list of The Top 100 Science Fiction/Fantasy Books.  This category is a favorite of mine.  I am surprised by some inclusions and exclusions.  No  Madeleine L'Engle, Tad Williams,  Garth Nix, or Trudi Canavan?  No Dresden Files by Jim Butcher? The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?  And, seriously, no Harry ( Read more... )


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Comments 21

bassnote November 4 2012, 18:56:13 UTC
I've read a bunch of these and more by authors on the list, but not those particular books.

I think the genre is too subjective to make a definitive list.


raingirl26 December 9 2012, 07:05:04 UTC
This has nothing to do with your post...


I hope it was fun and full of hugs.


bojojoti December 11 2012, 04:51:29 UTC
Thank you! It was a quiet celebration, but I did have a lovely dinner with my sister-in-law and her husband.


mewsing December 9 2012, 19:30:32 UTC
Happy birthday!!!

... )


bojojoti December 11 2012, 04:51:53 UTC
Thank you for remembering me!


judo100 December 11 2012, 23:18:22 UTC
Happy birthday, although I think I'm a day or two late. But best wishes anyway.

Pretty good list of speculative fiction. Some of my favorite authors, although there were some that I'd add. And some I'm not too fond of who made it on the list. Also, they need more female authors.

I think I'll copy the list to check out at my leisure. Probably some books I want to get hold of and read. Thanks for a useful post!


bojojoti December 12 2012, 01:45:17 UTC
Thanks! I'm still celebrating my birthday. It was kind of skipped over on the actual day, but that happens when adulthood takes over. I'm opening a present tonight--as soon as Bojojr and Bumberjean Skype so they can watch me open their gift.

I agree about the list. There's no way L'Engle should have been excluded!


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