*huggles to Jenny*starwind_hawkinAugust 19 2005, 00:03:05 UTC
Like my subject says huggles to Jenny i can't wait to see you this weekend and everything and i hope i can cheer you up. Work will get better if not i guess you could start searching for another job that did not require you to work weekends. But yeah anyway things are going great here. My roomie moves in on sunday so yeah. Hopefully by the time you get up here i will have my part of the dorm all set up so yeah. Anyway once again *huggles Jennifer* *tickles* *kisses* *and everything else so yeah* hurry up and be saturday already jesus. Talk to you tomorrow night night.
you know what? you deserve to be pissed at work. that's an injustice, if you ask me. and i'm being serious. just like...fire-bomb them or something of the like...after you rob them...
O.O uhm...kay...so yeah. *shifty eyes* hope you had a good weekend...and you know you want to keep your job, cause, where else can you blow a whistle and yell at little kids? probably at another Y, but meh. details schmetails...
Comments 3
Almost Saturday! *throws confettie* *falls asleep* G'night...
O.O uhm...kay...so yeah. *shifty eyes* hope you had a good weekend...and you know you want to keep your job, cause, where else can you blow a whistle and yell at little kids? probably at another Y, but meh. details schmetails...
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