Title: Four Addictions Matt Albie Never Had, and One He Did
Author: Holly [
Summary: I think the title says it all.
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Mention of Matt/Harriet, Matt/Danny pre-slash
Word Count: 644.
Notes: Written for challenge #1 at
Spoilers: Mild for the Pilot.
Disclaimer: I don't own Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Aaron Sorkin is much cooler
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Comments 6
One minor thing/correction (and correct me if I'm wrong):
At different points during their former tenure at Studio 60, Matt contemplated trying it, to see just what its allure was. To see if it was the cocaine that made Danny the brilliant director that he is, but as he watched Danny spiral downward, he realized that it wasn’t worth it.
Danny had eleven years clean. They were fired from Studio 60 two years ago. Danny wasn't using during their tenure there. It's not clear from this what timeframe Matt is using for Danny's brilliance as a director -- from cocaine.
Good story!
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