Some stuff that's bothering me

Aug 02, 2011 11:26

On Ellen Page: Being outed SUCKS. I don't care who you are, for someone to disclose personal information that you have not deemed ready for public consumption is awful. Especially if you are a high profile individual. Because not only do you have to deal with the mental and emotional stress of the situation, your personal safety is at risk. Being in the public eye is scary enough, and then you add on some shit that people could view with negativity without your permission or readiness is downright terrifying.

Honestly, that Journalist has absolutely NO RIGHT to 
a) disclose such information when they were obviously trusted with it.
b) have the balls to call Ellen a "hypocrite" and all the other nasty things they said. Deciding what you let others know about you is a very personal decision, and it is not the place of anyone else to decide that. When you tell people things in confidence, it is perceived that they will use their better judgement and you know, NOT TELL PEOPLE. I hope that that person stays single for the rest of their natural life.

When I was in high school, I had a boyfriend who made the observation that I like girls, something I was not prepared to think about myself. It got to the point where he wanted to break up so I would have time to "figure it out". He made some very face-threatening statements, and I jumped on the defensive, and it got ugly quick. Point is, I know what it feels like to be confronted with information that you don't necessarily want anyone else to know just yet. It blows, big time.

On Birth Control: The Obama Administration announced yesterday (August 1) that insurance companies will no longer be allowed to charge co-pays and other out of pocket fees for reproductive health services. That's a win for all involved, in my book. But, of course Fox News threw a shit fit. Their "anti-birth control expert", who by the way is the VP of Family PAC, is quoted saying

Is the White House out of their mind? Does the West Wing not know what the left wing is doing? We’re $14 trillion in debt and now we’re going to cover birth control, breast pumps, counseling for abuse? Are we going to do pedicures and manicures as well?
Firstly, it is not the federal government that will be subsidizing these services. It will be the responsibility of private insurance companies to pay for them, which they should be doing in the first place. It's the reason you get fucking health insurance. "Namely, “50 percent of pregnancies in this country are unintended pregnancies” -the leading reason why women seek abortions - which costs the U.S. over $11 billion a year." The federal government is spending more money by NOT covering these services.

Secondly, Are you serious? She is equating necessary reproductive health services that, when delivered properly and in good time, will reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancies and thus reducing the need for abortions, to such things as a fucking pedicure? These services are needed. How dare you, HOW FUCKING DARE you suggest that abuse counseling takes the same weight on a person's list of priorities as getting your nails painted.

I don't understand why it is that the GOP and supporting persons do not understand that if you support education and reproductive health, you reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancies, thus reducing the need for abortions. Is it so difficult to follow this train of logic? Let's see if they can understand this:

It is solid fact that people with lower income have more unwanted pregnancies. Why? Because they typically have lower education levels, and also cannot afford some of these necessary health services. So if these people cannot afford birth control and annual check-ups, what makes you think they'll be able to afford raising a child? If you make it possible for everyone (EVERYONE) to have the proper education and services necessary to prevent unwanted pregnancies, there will be less abortions, less orphaned children, less of a lot of bad things.

I'm coming out to my boyfriend today. Someone send up a prayer.


someone hold my earrings, personal shit, reproductive health, gay issues

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