Intermission for Love

Sep 03, 2011 23:42

[Yuki awakens.

This being, as usual, something that does not usually happen, she takes a few moments to sort through her stored memory for the events of the last few hours and comes up with nothing.  She satisfies herself that this is Mayfield at work once again when her efforts to change the bowling alley into the world's largest bowl of ice cream ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

i_gar_ashi September 6 2011, 23:17:06 UTC
[Ganta wakes up to find a small, blank-eyed girl staring at him. It says a lot that this is pretty normal for Ganta.]

...Where have I ended up this time?


bogusmagicker September 7 2011, 02:08:20 UTC
[Waiting for dark-haired introspective young men to wake up isn't entirely unusual for Yuki either. She will respond quietly.]

The bowling alley.


i_gar_ashi September 7 2011, 03:28:31 UTC
Ugh... [Ganta rubs his head, looking around the alley.] Is anybody else here? [His eyes flicker around the place, fully expecting some kind of horror to arrive out of the shadows.]


bogusmagicker September 7 2011, 03:32:37 UTC

[Yuki's eyes remain fixated upon Ganta's face as she utters this response.]

That is the purpose of this occurrence.


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