Arashi - [Fanfiction] Game Enough? [Ohmiya]

Jul 03, 2008 14:12

Title: Game Enough?
Rating: M
Pairings: Ohmiya (hinted Sakuraiba)
Chapters: Oneshot
Summary: Is Nino game enough ... maybe he is... ;)

Beta'd by devanat LUV YOU BABE!

YAY! My FIRST post since Immortal Arashi!!! Its far from perfect, but its hopefuly going to help me get out of my rut so i can once again get to my bigger, far more important projects....

So.... I hope its enjoyed ne ^^


I’d be lying if I had said our façade was entirely a lie…

I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t dreamt it was all true…

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to molest him while he lay ignorant…

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t game enough to try…

… because maybe… I was.


I couldn’t believe how completely unfazed he was by my first touch.

We were lounging across the couch, the movie we were watching not enticing me in the slightest, so I couldn’t help but take quick note of how his shirt was hitched up, and I could spy the smallest amount of his pale stomach.  Sure I’ve seen him topless on many an occasion, but at this moment he was so completely unaware, of how much that tiny view aroused me, how it made my thoughts wander, to what I could do to him while we were alone in his house.

It made me wonder, what it was like to touch his skin in a way that wasn’t playful or friendly.

And it made me wonder if, at this very moment, he was as soft as he looked.

This is where I lost my footing, on the ground of which I thought to have had a solid grip, but my inhibitions were completely disintegrated in that moment of utter hypnosis.

…game enough?

Without moving my body that was resting across him like a lazy cat, my hand quietly slipped its way up the furniture, and in a slick and uninvited gesture, caressed the unsuspecting pale flesh, while my other arm lay dormant beneath me.

He didn’t move, his body remained as statuesque as it had been moments ago. The only movement was the tilt of his head to give me a warm friendly smile; One that gave an aura of complete ignorance to my otherwise taboo thoughts.

Moments, later his gaze returned to the T.V. but my hand remained, resting over what I can only describe as the softest skin I have felt in my life. I stayed unmoved. My mind suddenly taking it’s time debating whether to continue its plight into further undiscovered land, or to play the innocent.

With my eyes fixed on his turned face, I felt him take in a deep breath beneath my body; this movement forced my fingers to slip lightly over his stomach as it moved. That was the only convincing I needed. I was already feeling my body heat rise, just at the thought of being so close, but now that I had the thought of his skin, his touch and his breathing in my mind, I wondered how long I would last before my pants would become embarrassingly tight.

I dropped my gaze from his unturned face, to view my hands in their current situation. His blue shirt was only pulled up a couple of inches in one corner, above the waistband of his black tracksuit pants he’d become so fond of. For a long moment, I let my fingers memorise his breathing pattern. It was so steady and relaxed. I took the time to close my eyes and regain courage, and before I could lose my nerve.

Maybe… game enough?

I moved my hand.

With my fingers splayed out like a spider, I let my palm dance softly across the skin that I had available to me. I held back the urge to release a pleasured sigh when I felt goose bumps rise against my fingertips.

That had indeed gotten his attention; I could feel him looking down at me. And I knew if I was only to look up, his eyes would be full of confusion and shock.

But I chose not to. I didn’t want to have to explain myself. I didn’t want to have to use the words I had become so unable to form in his presence.

I wanted him so much. I wouldn’t lie to myself anymore, or him.

My palm lifted, so it was my fingers and the tips of my nails drawing softly across his stomach. They stroked downwards before tracing a soft circle around his navel, which to my satisfaction changed his breathing. He inhaled sharply, a deep shuddering breath, that couldn’t be mistaken for anything but pleasure. Even without looking at his face for proof.

A small smile played across my lips, and I dipped my index finger into his bellybutton, before brushing it down to the waistband of his pants and running it across the skin that met them. He made a noise, one that was deep in his throat, but still remained at a pitch far higher than that of his regular speaking voice. A noise that sounded like a plea, one that I hoped was for the same thing I wanted.

I tilted my head, so that it was hovering above his navel, and so that when I would breathe, my breath would play across his stomach and I would hopefully be able to closely feel the catches in his throat.

My fingers that had been resting just below his belly button pushed themselves upward to the hem of his shirt; One that was cleverly hiding the rest of his chest from me.

With little hesitation it slipped its way under the light fabric and further up his stomach, slowly, as to take full advantage of this moment, where he lay completely submissive to my touch, completely welcoming to advance and completely enticing to my senses.

The closer my face was to his body, the stronger his scent was, one that was so smooth and alluring, one that I can pick from a mile away as being him, one that I could trail like a tracking dog on a hunt because I’d become so familiar with it. Yet it always shocked me, just how wonderful it truly was.

When my fingers where buried deep enough under his shirt, they traced his collar bone, before dipping further down to tweak a more sensitive part of his body.

To my satisfaction he gasped; A sharp intake of breath that shocked me as much as my movement had shocked him.

“Nino… I…” He breathed nervously. I, then made the mistake of looking up, looking into his eyes that would break me. They were so pure, innocent and trusting, that it makes me feel like I was molesting someone far younger than myself.

I couldn’t lose my nerve like that, I hadn’t come this far only stop here, because I felt like I’d just stood on a puppies tail.

Masking my worry with a confident smirk, I pushed myself up only slightly, my knees moving to be one between his side and the couch back, and the other between his thighs.

My hand tucked under his shirt remained still on his chest, while the other pulled me up to his level.

My face now hovering only a breath above his, while my gaze strayed from his anxious eyes to his parted lips. The tip of his tongue visible between them like a domesticated pet.

I bit my lip, and dropping my confident lie, I lent down hesitantly, until our lips met. In the barest touch, softly, as to not frighten him, to let him decide. And, if only slightly, the lock became firmer, his head lifting off the arm rest to push against me. My eyes slipped and closed into blackness.

His left leg, that was between mine shifted, lifting up. Intentionally, or unintentionally coming into firm contact with my most sensitive of areas. For a moment I could have sworn the back of my eyelids shone white.

My mind snapped, my hand at his chest tensed, and my little concentration went to my lips and urged to ravage his mouth. My tongue made itself known to his, showing little decency when it crashed his party for one. After enough coaxing, his mouth and tongue were just as active as mine.

I could feel his body heat truly radiate to me when my arm bracing me up gave way, and our bodies cam into full contact, the fall not breaking our kiss but putting more pressure on my crotch.

It was then that I felt it. Just as his knee created an intense problem from me, my thigh appeared to be giving him the same issue. I smiled broadly against his lips; it was a triumph to know he was just as turned on as I was, just as excited.

Without breaking our heated kiss, I let my currently useless hand, slide between us, to palm his heated arousal lightly.

A click.

“Guys~…” A voice echoed from the front door, and it was heard closing.

My eyes opened very wide very quickly, to look directly into an almost identical pair.

“… guys? You here? Sho ditched me…” The voice whined loudly, as it got closer.

We both pushed ourselves to sit, panting to regain our lost breath. I licked my lips, and noticed he was doing the same, as if there were traces of me there that he needed to hide from our untimely intruder.

“Oh here you are!” Said intruder, who will receive a belting afterwards, announced at the doorframe with a plastic bag in hand.

“Aiba…” I breathed, not trying very hard to hide my annoyance. “What are you doing here..?” A pout grew across his face.

“Well… Sho ditched me for his research… So I thought I’d take you up on your movie night offer…” I looked to Ohno beside me whose eyes were still wide and back to the other. Aiba lifted the bag in hand innocently. “I bring ramen…”

I look back to Ohno, but he’s already standing and heading to Aiba at the door frame, a hungry smile on his lips.

“Really? Ramen…” He questioned all worries appearing to have vanished as he took the bag from Aiba and glanced into it.

I shook my head with a smirk. Next time, I promise myself, I would get past molestation and on to far better things…

“Hey... Where’s Jun? You did invite everyone didn’t you?” Aiba asked sitting next to me on the couch, while Ohno emptied the contents of Aiba’s bag of goodies onto the table.

“He said he had a better offer…” I stated. It had been convenient. Jun had a better offer, and Sho and Aiba had a something planned, that in all honesty I wasn’t to fond of finding out about. The point was that, it had turned out to be only Ohno and myself… but now…

A smile grew on Aiba face.

“Well I guess you’re lucky I turned up! I can’t imagine how you could have possibly enjoyed yourselves without me!” He laughed taking the DVD case sitting on the coffee table, to find out what was playing.

I looked to Ohno, just as he looked to me.

He smiled softly.


I’d be lying if I said Aiba turning up was the highlight of my evening.

I’d be lying if I said the second part of the evening out shone the first…

I wouldn’t be lying if I said… if Aiba hadn’t turned up, I would have done more than just molest him…

So next time, I will make sure the door is locked.


Sorry it's kinda crap... -_-''

Hope it was enjoyed all the same!! <3<3

Please comment if you have the time ne ^^ <3

~*~ Cassie ~*~ 

!fanfiction, group: arashi, pairing: ohmiya

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