Title: 3 times balcan3000 caused disruptions in the abc-z dressing room
Rating: PG (For language) May as well be G really though.
Pairing: TottsuxHasshi
Chapters: One-Shot
Word Count:
Summary: Written for the
EBIKISU FICATHON~! It was originaly supposed to be '5 times' but I ran out of ideas... sorry. And I think it had to end that way... haha The story is really just in #1 and #2. #3 is just an extra ;) I don't know what else to say summary-wise, as it's mostly in the title HaHa
Big thanks to
tsumetaikaze for beta-ing for me. Because I fail at...err... wordz and stuff
WARNING: MEGA OOC-ness on Hasshi's part!! I had a BLAST writting him like this though HaHa
Hasshi wasn't stupid. He knew who his friends were, as he had plenty of them. Thus, having a lack of friends was not the reason he created one from scratch. No, Balcan3000 was a whole different type of friend, the type every young boy needs, at one stage or another...
Balcan3000 was the type of friend that can't keep secrets, Hasshi learnt this very soon after giving him life with a sharpie in the form of cartoon eyes and a lopsided mouth. Previous to Balcan3000's mouth he had been Hasshi's confidant, Hasshi told everything to Balcan3000, everything.
But then it happened.
ABC-Z were relaxing quietly after a long practice, well, if you allowed the words relaxing and quietly to have very broad meanings. Or, maybe, quite opposite meanings may even be appropriate on such an occasion.
The occasion in which Goseki and Kawaii were playing a card game which involved loud words being shouted, Tsukada was seeing just how long he could balance with one leg beside his ear, and Tottsu was... Tottsu wasn't there.
Hasshi scanned the room with squinted eyes for his friend. He was in a particularly clingy mood, and he found Tottsu was the most fun to cling to, so he asked Balcan3000. Maybe he knew where Tottsu was.
He leaned over to his right to whisper into his friend’s ear, as the rest of ABC would surely tell Tottsu that Hasshi was looking for him, and that was the last thing he wanted. He didn't want to come across as desperate.
"Balcan, have you seen Tottsu?" Balcan remained silent, staring blankly forward with his slightly askew smirk. Hasshi listened carefully, as Balcan3000 had a very quiet voice.
The sudden exclamation echoed loudly through the room, which in turn caused three other things to simultaneously occur.
Number 1; Goseki jumped in his seat, knocking his uncapped bottle of soda over with his arm. 2; Kawaii shrieked and attempted to leap back from the sticky and potentially staining drink, falling backwards over his chair in the process. And 3; Tsukada put his leg down, sensed a kafuffle coming on, and a kafuffle was no time to be stretching!
"Hasshi! You scared the shit outta me!" Goseki shouted, grabbing himself some napkins to try to clean the mess he made of their card game.
"BALCAN! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAID THAT!" Hasshi yelled just as loud as he had the first time, before his voice lowered and took on a sadder tone. "That was our secret..."
The others watched the quarrel in silence.
"I'm so upset with you Balcan3000. I can't even look at you now!"
With those words, Hasshi stood with a huff and quickly exited the room, avoiding his group mates’ eyes in the process.
Tsukada looked from the door back to the recyclable robot.
"...Riiii-ght," he breathed, just as a wet playing card flew through the air to land smack-bang between Balcan3000’s distant eyes.
"Good shot!" Kawaii proclaimed from behind. Goseki turned back to cleaning his mess with an irritated smirk.
"I never did like him."
Something Hasshi was taught from when he was very little was to forgive and forget. Friends don't always mean to be jerk-faces, but sometimes they are, and you need to forgive them and move on with your friendships, because it's one of those things that’s more important.
It was as if they'd never even fought in the first place.
Hasshi sat on the couch with Tottsu reading a book on his right and Balcan singing the teapot song on his left. That was something Hasshi loved about Balcan3000 - he always sang the best songs.
As per what usually happened, Hasshi began to sing along.
"Hasshi, please. I'm reading," Tottsu moaned quietly elbowing him lightly in the side.
"But Balcan3000 started it!" he exclaimed. Tottsu only rolled his eyes and returned to reading. Hasshi pouted, and elbowed Balcan in the side. It was only fair!
Tottsu was always so mean to him, and never mean to Balcan3000. Hasshi covered his mouth in a quiet gasp.
"Tottsu~" he pleaded, tugging lightly on the other’s shirt sleeve. "Do you love Balcan more than me?"
"Well... " Tottsu began, without turning from his book. "Balcan is a lot quieter than you are, he doesn't bother me when I'm trying to read..." Hasshi blinked sadly. "He's also not taller than me." Hasshi bit his lip and looked down to where his fingers were still grasping the fabric of Tottsu's shirt.
Tottsu then turned to the other.
"You weren't serious were you?" Tottsu asked, a little concerned at Hashimoto's distraught state. Hasshi drew his eyes up to meet Tottsu but didn't answer.
"Hasshi don't be silly! Of course I love you more!" Tottsu insisted placing one hand over Hasshi's. "You're way more fun to play with, you're squishier to cuddle, Balcan's a terrible dancer and he's always stealing my shirts."
Hasshi smiled broadly. "Reallly...???" he asked, full of hope.
"Absolutely yes."
"So will you play with me now?" Hasshi asked. Tottsu smiled, but turned back to his book.
"No, I'm reading." The younger sighed, totally shut down. Tottsu laughed, throwing an arm around the other's shoulder and pulling him close. "I'm just kidding. What do you want to do?"
Hasshi smiled.
When Goseki and Tsukada returned from the lunch room, they had not expected their dressing room to be empty. Well empty, in a no-living-or-breathing-occupants kind of way, because it wouldn’t be fair to pretend Balcan3000 wasn’t giving them that stare when they walked in.
That stare that was just a little more creepy when Hasshi wasn’t beside it.
Goseki and Tsukada shared a look, mutually agreeing that it was time for a walk.
Thankyou for reading, I hope I didn't DESTROY Hasshi for anyone. I tried not to make him as deranged as I make Tottsu, I think I failed -_-''
I'll be back sometime soon with more ebikisu fics!! YAYYYY or not YAYYYY depending on the person HaHa
ciao ciao for now now