Check-in Post #2

Nov 14, 2013 18:16

This is the second check in post! It isn't mandatory, so you don't have to fill this in but you can :)

Pairing (if any):
Current Word Count:
What I like about the story:
What I don't like about the story:

Author:Read more... )

!check in

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Comments 2

museaway November 16 2013, 14:11:22 UTC
Author: museattack
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Pairing (if any): Kirk/Spock, Carol/Bones
Current Word Count: about a thousand
What I like about the story: Everything. The whole premise makes me so excited. I have a few things I have to finish before I can dedicate time to writing this, but I love love love the concept and can't wait to work on it!
What I don't like about the story: That it's only a thousand words deep!


starianprincess November 18 2013, 07:26:29 UTC
Author: starianprincess
Fandom: Thor/The Avengers
Pairing (if any): Loki/Jane
Current Word Count: ~1500
What I like about the story: It's my take on a somewhat common bodyswapping prompt and, despite the odd pairing, so far everyone's in-character (I think)! Also, shenanigans -- I like how this story doesn't quite fall under 'humor', but also doesn't take itself too seriously.
What I don't like about the story: Nothing yet! I just hope I don't lose focus and keep writing bit by bit everyday.


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