Check In Post #1

Oct 10, 2013 19:11

This is the first check in post! It isn't mandatory, so you don't have to fill this in but you can :)

Pairing (if any):
Current Word Count:
What I like about the story:
What I don't like about the story:

Author:Read more... )

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Comments 3

museaway October 10 2013, 20:39:41 UTC
Author: museattack
Pairing (if any): Star Trek AOS - Kirk/Spock, Carol/Bones
Current Word Count: Outlined only right now
What I like about the story: I LOVE this premise. I'd seen a photoset flying around Tumblr where Spock and Bones switch bodies a la Freaky Friday, but this gave me the courage to attempt it.
What I don't like about the story: Nothing. I love everything about this idea. I'm excited to start working on it! It's two stories out (I have deadlines for the happy_trekmas and ksadvent first).


last_winterrose October 14 2013, 00:52:46 UTC
Author: last_winterrose
Pairing (if any): Still not sure yet if this is going to be
Current Word Count: I have about 1000 but it's really more of a outline than an actual story.
What I like about the story: It's coming together so fast.
What I don't like about the story: Not really the story itself just finding the the time to write it.


irishslash October 25 2013, 22:05:14 UTC
Author: Seanbiggerstaffrox
Pairing (if any): Scott McCall/Stiles Stilinski
Current Word Count: 19, 152
What I like about the story: It's a lot of fun and it's really complex.
What I don't like about the story: It's really complex, which means it can be a bit difficult to write at times.


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