(no subject)

Oct 02, 2007 16:46

Author: veiledndarkness

Title: Seasons 1/4

Rating: PG

Summary: Throughout the winter months...

Warnings: Not mine, never will be.



The first winter that Jack spends in the Mercer home is somewhat overwhelming. He arrives in mid-October, and is promptly swept into a blur of Halloween preparations and consequently his first experience with trick or treating

Thanksgiving is hectic and noisy and warm. Jack helps bring the hockey equipment to the rink and watches the boys play, his breath fogging up Bobby's car on the ride home. Bobby lets Jack curl up to him, with murmured promises that next year Jack can play too, words that he clings to.

Christmas rolls around all too soon and Jack is intrigued by the seemingly endless trays of cookies and treats that Evelyn makes. He is put in charge of wrapping the jars of cookies, gifts for people that Evelyn knows. He prints as neatly as possible and ignores Bobby's remark that only fairy boys care about making the gift tags pretty.

Evelyn takes Jack to the mall and gives him a set amount as to how much he can spend on each brother. Jack takes the whole afternoon, painstakingly choosing each gift. He wraps each one himself, taping the corners down precisely. In almost three months, Jack already feels a part of the family, and he's treated like he was never new to begin with. On Christmas morning he's so wound up and nervous that Bobby pulls him onto his lap with a somewhat stern admonishment to 'calm down already for the love of God, Jackie!'

The gifts are opened gradually. Jack sits, curled up on Bobby's lap still, watching everyone open the gifts he chose. The gifts are well received. Bobby opens his, amazed when he sees the simple silver lighter, his name etched on it. Bobby thanks Jack and throws a balled-up lump of tissue paper at Jerry when he makes a smart-ass joke about his past and the things he does with his lighter.

The winter drags on. Jack builds forts with the boys, learns how to make the perfect snowball and is finally taught to skate. He wobbles and falls constantly, but gradually gets the hang of it. Bobby helps him up, laughing when Jack falls down repeatedly.

One night, shortly before the first day of spring, Bobby finds Jack on the bedroom window roof-ledge. He sighs and takes his sweater off, placing it on Jack, who takes it without complaint. Jack tells him everything that he's learned about the stars and planets and other planets in school. Bobby listens, Jack resting his head on Bobby's shoulder, his breath puffing in front of them. He brushes a kiss over Jack's forehead, pleased that he no longer cringes or ducks out of his reach.

Jack wishes that winter would last longer as he's had such fun. Bobby promises that the other months are just as good and firmly tells Jack to come inside before he freezes to death. Jack follows him without question, the snowflakes falling lazily then.



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