The title pretty much tells the tale. I'm quite bored. So I shall spew random musings that crop up in the old skull there for the next hour or so. You have been warned
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The trombone is the best instrument...I almost wished I played that in band instead of the bassoon...but I liked being my own section...and overpowering 8 flutes on my own.
Make sure you release the spit frequently for a clearer sound...and do it over a trash can or a sink, because you'd be amazed at how much spit can collect in that thing. Seriously.
Comments 3
Recall what Ray Manzarek accomplished with one.
Make sure you release the spit frequently for a clearer sound...and do it over a trash can or a sink, because you'd be amazed at how much spit can collect in that thing. Seriously.
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