Presenting this week's batch of visual representations of concepts that have been brought up in comments and that I considered too amusing not to draw. For some reason, this week seems to have something of a theme of, well, not horror exactly, but definitely things that would unnerve you in one way or another.
Edit, 27/6: Added in a small batch of icons.
New Kids On The Block were rather before my time, so I had no preconceptions regarding Donnie Wahlberg's portrayal of Lipton. Then mention of the reunion came up in the thread. I watched that video of the latest song. And now I can't look at him in quite the same way any more. (I hope it doesn't set a precedent. Donnie's not that bad, but what happens if we get Justin Timberlake in films about Vietnam?)
If the reference isn't immediately apparent, context
Perhaps a little tangential, but I think tenuously related enough to count, and it was a crack thread product. This one's really all
profcricket's fault, so it's down to her to write the pitch for the studios. I'm well aware the jellyfish aren't actually camo-patterned (something I twigged when I'd flattened the layers and saved the image so I couldn't get them back), but hey, when have B-movies been known for their attention to detail?