157 Icons: Arrow, Chicago PD, Faking it, The Flash, Jane the Virgin, The Originals

Feb 04, 2015 20:04

I was busy over the last couple of days... besides watching my tv-shows I also created a few icons... a few more than I thought I would *lol*

Fact is: I really need practice again, so I am trying different colorings and textures... I think I'm not as good as I used to be, but people on my f-list seem to disagree with that, so I will keep trying... ;-)

Comments make me happy, so if you find something you like, please comment =D

65x The Originals
25x Chicago PD (Spoilers until episode 2x12!)
21x The Flash (Up until 1x11)
20x Jane the Virgin (Up until 1x11)
15x Faking it (all episodes of Season 2 included)
11x Arrow (Up until 3x10)
157 Total


The Originals

(001 - 005)

(006 - 010)

(011 - 015)

(016 - 020)

(021 - 025)

(026 - 030)

(031 - 035)

(036 - 040)

(041 - 045)

(046 - 050)

(051 - 055)

(056 - 060)

(061 - 65)

Chicago PD

(066 - 070)

(071 - 075)

(076 - 080)

(081 - 085)

(086 - 090)

The Flash

(091 - 095)

(096 - 100)

(101 - 105)

(106 - 110)


Jane the Virgin

(112 - 116)

(117 - 121)

(122 - 126)

(127 - 131)

Faking it

(132 - 136)

(137 - 141)

(142 - 146)


(0147 - 151)

(152 - 156)


-) Feel free to use them wherever and whenever you want
-) Please give me a credit, when using
-) Please DO NOT Hotlink
-) Don't alter or change anything on them
-) Textless are no bases
-) Don't claim as your own
-) Feel free to add me to join the community if you want to see more of my work
-) Have fun ;-)

icons: the flash, icons: arrow, icons: faking it, icons: chicago pd, icons: jane the virgin, icons: the originals

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