Finally my 2nd batch of 20in20 icons is finished... I worked on it over the past couple of days, tried now techniques and such and yeah... I'm quite satisfied with some of the icons :-)
Comments would be nice whether you like my icons or not! =)
The 20in20 batch is for tvshow20in20 and we had to choose a male tv-show character for this round and since I haven't done "Suits" Icons for a while I went for Mike Ross, even though I wasn't THAT inspired lately XD
10 THEMESHeroVillainVintageCatch PhrasePose
WeaknessChess PieceUnlovedMuted TonesDoubt
5 CATEGORY - ABOUT MEGrandsonFriendLoverAssociateLawyer
Rules: -) Feel free to use them wherever and whenever you want -) Please give me a credit, when using -) Please DO NOT Hotlink -) Don't alter or change anything on them -) Textless are no bases -) Don't claim as your own -) Feel free to add me to join the community if you want to see more of my work -) Have fun ;-)