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Comments 20

malicat June 10 2014, 22:56:50 UTC
All this organisation mess is not only super unfair for the people who paid a lot of money for this con but also for the guests (unless they were the reason for all the delays,then fuck them *lol*). It's just so unprofessional all around. Especially on a weekend with hot weather,that just makes it even more stressful (I was only outside on friday and saturday and it was enough for me so I stayed at home sunday on monday).

But at least you still good some good experiences with the actors. I've only read about the TW peeps so far but it's good to read that the others were also so nice. It's awesome that they made you all these compliments. Like you wrote,they don't *have* to do that but they did anyway and that's really sweet :)


bm_shipper June 10 2014, 23:00:43 UTC
Ian actually remembered me all 3 days. Which surprised me. But then again... he must have thought by Sunday I'm a stalker :P I took 2 pictures with him and in the end bought 3 autographs *lol* Just because it was so nice talking to him and such... ;-) And even though I have now the same autograph picture twice, the text is always different, so I'm okay with that... ;-)

Experiences with Tyler and the others will follow in my report tomorrow when I write the Saturday (but that day was even worse than Friday, believe me!)

And no, it wasn't the actor's fault that so much went wrong, it was the whole organisation that was a mess and the helpers who had NO idea what they were doing and were all just pretty much overstrained with what they were doing.


stargazer60 June 11 2014, 00:20:47 UTC
Wow, what a clusterfuck!! Like Malicat said, it really wasn't fair to the people who paid all that
Money to be there!!

But I'm really happy you had such nice
Moments with the guests. And that really is a beautiful dress!!

I am looking forward to reading the rest of your reports!


bm_shipper June 11 2014, 06:58:14 UTC
Yes, definitely.
I mean, I was aglad and thankful I won the Alpha thing, because otherwise I don't know what would have happened, but it was still not nice with all the chaos.

Thanks for reading the report.

And complimenting my dress too. I actually really love that dress :)


sailorhathor June 11 2014, 03:44:49 UTC
You really dressed up for your photo ops! :D Nice dress.


bm_shipper June 11 2014, 07:01:42 UTC
Yeah, of course ;-)


hyndara71 June 11 2014, 08:54:57 UTC
Mh, I see the problem there ... what the hell were those guys after the con? Sounds like a bunch of people who did a con at the first time and haven't had a clue what they were doing.
Panels, etc. starting late ... is okayish for me (depends on how long, and an hour delay IS too much! I could live with, let's say, 10 minutes maximum what was the delay on my first FedCon for one panel). But a stage right above the air-condition with the first time summer heart in a glass-house? No, of course it's not getting hotter in there! And of course forecast haven't told anything about 30 degress and bright sun. *shakes head in disbelief*.
But at least sounds like the guests were great and in good mood.
And I'm still not over the copyshop-photos ...


bm_shipper June 11 2014, 11:05:59 UTC
I don't really know... I mean, they all have jobs in real life, one of them is a graphic designer and such... but it didn't seem like they had any clue about conventions and such...

It was really horrible and the whole delay didn't only happen on Day one, it happened during almost the whole convention and it kind of mixed up the whole program and no one knew where to go when anymore...

And yes, the broken Air Conditioning almost killed me... seriously, I felt so sick and nauseous even beforehand, but it then got worse and worse...

The guests tried to make the best of it, but believe me, they were sweating too and some of them wrote not so nice comments on their twitter and FB pages (understandable!), so I doubt some of them will ever come back...

And yes, don't get me started on the copyshop photos...


tardis_mafia June 11 2014, 14:57:34 UTC
I'm sorry that was such a horrible experience for you! The poses were cute and you looked great - though unfortunately the quality of the pics were pretty bad. What the hell?


bm_shipper June 11 2014, 15:06:07 UTC
Yes, they were REALLY bad...
Even worse in "reality" than they look here...

We got some of the JPEGs by now, so that's at least a slight compensation, but still...


tardis_mafia June 11 2014, 15:45:39 UTC
Well at least they've done something to compensate!


bm_shipper June 11 2014, 15:55:21 UTC
Yeah, they are trying...
I have to pay to have them printed though, but that's still at least something... ;)


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