Ideas aren't the problem. It's the QUALITY of the ideas...

Aug 25, 2022 15:55

I've been trying to develop original fiction ideas to work into larger stories. You know, attempting to write something outside of fan fiction. Like a grown up. Anyway, I saw a TikTok about the Nikumaroro Island theory of what happened to Amelia Earhart and it's burrowed into my brain. My mind whispered, "it's like a fandom with an establish cannon ( Read more... )

wait...what?, writing, friends

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Comments 4

wizardelfgirl August 26 2022, 02:22:57 UTC
I'm both intrigued and horrified that I am intrigued about this.


blythechild August 26 2022, 12:42:29 UTC
That's the sweet spot I'm aiming for right there... ;D


amberdreams September 3 2022, 19:05:11 UTC


blythechild September 4 2022, 16:29:04 UTC


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