Hard Pass

Dec 07, 2018 18:18

*phew!* Just under the wire, I have completed today's Advent Calendar morsel. This one is an illustration for Deejaymil's How To Get A Hard Pass, which is a terrifically smutty Reid/Hotch story. I encourage you to read it if that's your thing ;) The image was sitting in my head for months, and this was a great excuse to force it into reality. The ( Read more... )

take your shirt off, criminal minds, linkity-link-link, advent calendar, powerpoint, friends, fanfiction, illustration, pictures, the element of awesomite, benevolent blythe of hawtness, fan art, fabulousity, fandom

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Comments 4

quickreaver December 8 2018, 04:22:36 UTC
I just looooove what you've been arting, lately! I've never watched the show, but I can get behind this, yes indeedy...


blythechild December 8 2018, 16:03:33 UTC
Thank you, darling *blushes* The show has been a hot mess for several seasons, but, like SPN, fans make their own happy places through fic and art. Reid/Hotch is DEFINITELY one of my happy places ♥


draycevixen December 9 2018, 21:13:00 UTC
Again, it's a gorgeous piece of artwork and you can clearly see who they both are.


blythechild December 9 2018, 23:23:54 UTC
Thank you, blossom ♥


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