Too Old For Fairy Tales (fan art)

Nov 17, 2018 11:11

Today is the posting day for Too Old For Fairy Tales by the lovely and talented draycevixen. It's a Person of Interest fic (omg, I still miss that show... *gets sniffly*) AND it involves soulbonding, which is one of my favorite tropes. W00T! So, go read it and give DV some much-deserved love for it. As always, it is a privilege to share the stage with her ( Read more... )

linkity-link-link, powerpoint, friends, illustration, pictures, the element of awesomite, fan art, fabulousity, fandom, person of interest

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Comments 2

umadoshi November 18 2018, 00:08:42 UTC
These pics are both great. *^^*


blythechild November 18 2018, 14:49:27 UTC
Thank you, love! ♥


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