Today I Superheroed A Pregnant Lady

May 29, 2018 15:43

Okay, that probably requires an explanation.

Last week, I gave an internal presentation at my company in which I created a superhero avatar of myself. It got noticed because, well, who DOESN'T want to be a superhero? After the meeting a few co-workers came to talk to me and hinted that they'd love to have a superhero version of themselves. One of ( Read more... )

powerpoint, friends, illustration, pictures, work, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, the element of awesomite, fabulousity, superheroes

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Comments 7

amberdreams May 29 2018, 20:39:58 UTC
I'm a little disappointed you didn't superhero her pregnant LOL! This is very cool though, what a great idea for a present!


blythechild May 29 2018, 20:43:02 UTC
I wasn't sure she'd appreciate being a pregnant superhero for all time ;) And she's at that stage where she's saying things like, "I can't wait to get this kid OUT", so... nope. No pregnant superhero ;)


amberdreams May 29 2018, 20:43:50 UTC
hee! Perfectly understandable.


brumeier May 30 2018, 16:00:05 UTC
OMGosh, I love that it's a thing with all your work people! LOL! That's awesome!


blythechild May 30 2018, 16:02:16 UTC
Thanks ;) I think it's proof that we never really grow up ♥


draycevixen May 30 2018, 18:40:35 UTC
Well of course they do.

I have always wanted to be Batman so it makes sense to me. :D


blythechild May 30 2018, 20:58:03 UTC
Me too ;)


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